The Rules: *** READ READ READ ***

This type of thing shouldnt need its own thread but i feel it necessary to communicate to people the importance of behaving themselves.

If you have been to this meet in previous years you know that the police are always around.

The reason the police come around is because i ask them to.

Yesterday i notified some friends of mine who are Niagara Regional Police Officers about the meet here on the 27th. They are on-duty at the time and will make a note to stop by and pay extra attention to the goings on at 361 Lake st.

Now, St. Catharines is not like some parts of Toronto where you get pulled over and harassed for having a modified car. You will not get hasseled at all if you are behaving yourself, so long as your car is not a bag of shit.

We have had minor issues in years past but never anything serious and it is important that things stay this way.

If there is ever a major issue where one or more people misbehave and ruin it for the rest of us then this meet cannot happen in the future.

However, if everything goes as planned and no one gets excited and does something stupid then there is no reason why we cant do this again next year… I am even hoping to have another Niagara meet this year… but of course that really depends on you guys.

There will be on-duty police officers in the area at all times, and more interestingly there will be off-duty police officers at the meet just hanging out because alot of the local officers have very nice modified cars and always show up to see who comes out.

They may ask you to pop your hood not because they want to give you a ticket, but because they want to see how well some of u modify our cars… This has happened in each of the previous meets we have had.






Any crap like this and there is a very good chance you will be made an example of.

It is even more important that you guys behave yourselves on the cruise.

Last year we had some younger guys get a bit excited and do a bit of a burn-out in a gravel lot that we were in. They ended up throwing up some stones onto other cars in the cruise… beleive me, you do not want to do that…

the LAST thing you want to do is damage someone elses vehicle

Because of how many people we have here any accident will most definately involved other SON240sx members… if that happens it is quite possible that we will not be able to do this again.


On top of any possible legal courses of action… anyone found acting like a fucktard will be permanently banned from the club.

i totally agree!!! i know that there are alot of young guns itching to show of their rides. dont ruin it for the rest of the mature crowd. please no rust buckets with sr swaps. PLEASE!!! lol…

whats heat baggery?

Things that’ll draw undue attention from the police.

ie: Smoking dope in public, burnouts, drifting, fights, drinking in unsanctioned areas… Basically anything that falls under douchebaggery, generally falls under heatbaggery.

i noticed you did not mention public masturbation

you can masturbate all you want so long as you dont get the police involved…

seriously though… this is a venue for us to prove we are responsible individuals… if this meet goes well i am going to try and do it again this year.

Bing, +1 for making this thread.

However, whenever it’s time to leave for the cruise, (usually making a left turn when leaving the restaurant) everyone seems to try to “drift”/go crazy when they make that left turn. I’m pretty sure someone has a video of that.


=every other car that pulled out last year did it :S

i tryed, my car couldnt spin the tires tho :frowning:

lol… thats half the cars on here… but anyways drive like your grandfather if you do come…

i got that video we made last year lol

yeah lets please not do that.

Bing, have a cop there, actually have a few there if you don’t want that to happen. I can put money down right now that it will happen again. :slight_smile:

if you seen how my grandfather drives you would not say that

How does he drive?

YUP the video is on youtube, like 2-3 minutes of crazy left turns. check it out
just write son240sx meet, it’s jokes.

Yes I agree. As sick as that “drift” read: one-wheel-peel looks in your head or feels in the car - it isn’t impressive at all. So save it for a sanctioned event where you can really wil’out.

Thank you and god bless.


After viewing the video - how is everyone not banned? ;-p

new rule junior