The Shop CT-stay away

Bold 1 & 2, like I said its a :dunno. That opens the doors for outsiders to more or less fabricate their own opinions, positively or negatively about the shop. Only way to keep that from happening is to not even comment about the situation, right?

Bold 3, that SHOULD be expected by anyone modding something. Should be isnt always the case. Again, the only way to stop the should be’s is with a concrete disclaimer and a level headed customer.

I am not finding fault at all with you, the customers/friends, or Synapse at all. Just playing the neutral party and making comment. I just see it all the time, people thinking they are buying bullet proof sky is the limit performance, then crying about it when something lets go and pointing (usually wrongfully) at the shop who built it. Like Adam said a while back, if he builds it and it pops, and the customer isnt happy and demands answers, bring it to a nutral 3rd, 4th, or 5th party. He is that confidant in his abilities, he has nothing to hide. Doesnt need to “fabricate” some I told you it wasnt my fault story some may or may not choose to believe, take the word of someone that has no motive in the senerio, who can give an honest answer. POOF, disbelief be gone!