The Shop CT-stay away

Luckily no one heres making 2200 hp now are they? No one here is making anything over 1200hp. I know of multiple mid 9 second cars that are in the 1200 hp range going 145+ doing 100% email tunes. Nothing wrong with that method at all.

considering travis’ car is making 400hp per liter that would be like making 2200hp on your engine. Travis payed for the ECU he can’t touch, when you are making that much power you might want a little more control over whats going on.

And your point? Id still do email revisions. Its a proven process that works fine. In my first sentence, of my first post, says it all.

You would still do it because you have to or choose to?

And if you CHOOSE to do that so be it, travis was not given a choice.

My car was actually remote tuned via my new tuner, and it’s the best tuning experience that I’ve ever had by FAR. Similar to email tuning, but it’s all done real time, and we use virtual dyno which give the EXACT same readings as a dynojet or mustang dyno. My new tuner is considered one of the very top Evo tuners in the country and he does not lock them up.

Mike I think deaths problem is that it’s not like ecuflash, or any other ems, where you can make changes and what not,… Kinda like getting an s4 “tuned” which apr just flashes the ecu and your on your way… There stock ecu isn’t as “cracked”, just my guess but correct me in wrong

He should of so i dont fuck his work up getting curious.

The last sentence is 100% false. In every platform. So, the tunes kenne bell, procharger, whipple etc send out in there kits with tuners are all different? No. Theyre identical to the next mustang or charger or 5th gen camaro. Im not saying the camaro and mustang tune is identical but, the mustang and next mustang tune are the same thing.

Yeah, they send out an ultra safe/conservative tune which leaves a lot of power on the table, but is good enough to satisfy the average Joe that would confuse an A/F reading with the time on the clock.

Im in CT now. Stamford though. Nothing but Benleys and baller rides here. No Evo’s or anything remotely nice…

Hit the nail on the head with that one. Most tuners wouldn’t want people pounding on an email tune, they are usually a loose tune that is made for driving to a real tuning session. Sucks that the mopar guys don’t have that liberty, eventually they will.

No need. It’s got the hardware dongle emulator and everything ready to roll.

All I want to say is this, and it doesnt point to anyone specific at all… its just a strong point anyone looking for ANY automotive work should consider.

Is the car a street car, a weekend track warrior or a vehicle making you money? Unless you have money to blow, when your car blows… all but the last example NEED ultra precise, teetering on the edge, squeeze every last HP out tune.

Owners tricking themselves and others into the NEED for such a high end tune are causing the shop/tuner to cringe every time such a customer leaves the lot. I understand the issue is locking/unlocked and charging you for something you didnt intend on getting. BUT my point is this issue is a prime example of my first response above. Another one is that S2K that popped after the tune from Synapse. It didnt NEED to be tuned to the brink of explosion, but its “what the customer wanted” so it was done… only to fail and now everyone jumps on the hate bandwagon.

This is why any tuning I will be doing, you are signing something that says the moment it leaves this signature validates that the owner is 100% satisfied with the results, anything past that is the responsibility of the owner, and only the owner. Misconstrued public slander against my shop can be legally dealt with if needed. Or something along those lines. Dont like it, dont ask to be tuned… simple as that.

Bottom line, my lively hood and those running my shop DO NOT need to be ruined by +/- 10whp!

good post^ +rep

He said it didn’t pop and it ran like day one.

What was the deal with that anyway? It went from blowin up to fine then never heard anything about it?

Yeah. He must of sold it and lost a ton of money cause it was running great and all was fine.

/\ Case and point.

nobody knows what the true story is, so lately when someone mentions Synapse, unfortunately people get on this issue again and it muddy’s the water.

If the truth was spoken somewhere it gets lost in half a day online, only 1/3 of the people read/catch it and its never cleaned up on behalf of the shop. You cant expect some shops PR guy to have to run around with a “thread quote” of the owner saying… “Nahhh guys its all good we settled the issues” and replying back to threads like the three above with that quote!

And is that what happened or did it just go silent and then the car was sold?

I know nothing about it. In response to alex’s car being tuned on the brink of explosion like krazy said i highly doubt that.

Neither eric’s nor alex’s cars were tuned on the brink of explosion, nor was it what they asked for. And if alex’s tune was anything like erics tune which i would imagine it is close, it wasn’t even in the ball park of a mildly aggressive. Pushing the envelope of power and 500+hp per liter doesnt mean you are tuning them on the brink of explosion sure you might break parts, but they can be tuned in a safe zone still.

Now the superchargers and turbocharger kits that come with locked systems are typically very limited, you aren’t paying for a tuning service like travis, you payed for the kit and the parts/tune to make the kit run on a stock engine. not for the service or a tunable EMS. Those kits do come with very conservative tuning solutions out of the box, that have limited adjustment for the same reasons everyone listed they don’t want anyone messing with it. If it came with an AEM EMS or something of the like that, and the software wouldn’t allow me to use the AEM EMS unless they touched it then we have a different story.

I guess it all depends on how the tuner handled the transaction if you bought an EMS that can be end user adjusted, and the tuner didnt tell you that you wont be able to make those adjustments then there is a problem. If you knew up front and accepted it that then so be it. At least you made the choice.

Bold 1 & 2, like I said its a :dunno. That opens the doors for outsiders to more or less fabricate their own opinions, positively or negatively about the shop. Only way to keep that from happening is to not even comment about the situation, right?

Bold 3, that SHOULD be expected by anyone modding something. Should be isnt always the case. Again, the only way to stop the should be’s is with a concrete disclaimer and a level headed customer.

I am not finding fault at all with you, the customers/friends, or Synapse at all. Just playing the neutral party and making comment. I just see it all the time, people thinking they are buying bullet proof sky is the limit performance, then crying about it when something lets go and pointing (usually wrongfully) at the shop who built it. Like Adam said a while back, if he builds it and it pops, and the customer isnt happy and demands answers, bring it to a nutral 3rd, 4th, or 5th party. He is that confidant in his abilities, he has nothing to hide. Doesnt need to “fabricate” some I told you it wasnt my fault story some may or may not choose to believe, take the word of someone that has no motive in the senerio, who can give an honest answer. POOF, disbelief be gone!