Yeah, bro. Read that in middle school. That game isn’t likely to play as well at this level.
I’m fairly entertained with the current outcome democrats jumping up and down in excitement over the bill not passing and taking credit.
Mean while ACA isn’t doing well and as more insurance companies pull out…So if it does ultimately fail they have nobody else to blame at that point seems like a fine idea for a short term victory but long term wasn’t the best idea.
It’s actually in everyone’s best interests to work with republicans on it.
cbc news piece today that could be attributed to the weakness of the single-payer system:
Flynn wants immunity in exchange for his testimony.
Flynn, who was ousted from his post in Februaryfor misleading the White House about discussions he held with the Russian ambassador to the US, released a statement on Thursday through his lawyer declaring that he had a story to tell – but was first seeking “assurances against unfair prosecution”.
I love the clip in there. In his own words: “When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime.”
Cool, let’s wait and see what it’s all about :tup:
For sure. This is big news, but there’s nothing damning about Trump until we hear his testimony.
Don’t worry, Trump is already getting his fake news card ready. :picard:
Big news? The guy hasn’t even testified yet, lol. Unless you only care about confirmation bias
Paulo reminds me of that “This is definitely the end of Trump, says increasingly nervous man for 20th time” meme.
The former National Security Adviser to the President of the United States who was forced to resign due to his ties with Russia is asking for immunity for his testimony, and this isn’t big news to you? Partisan blinders? I’m not accusing your precious leader of anything guys. Relax.
Just go back to your safe space.
With the hyper partisan BS going on I don’t blame anyone for asking for immunity before testifying. But don’t worry, maybe this 20th time will be the big one. :lol:
Well let’s think about this. Is it more likely that Flynn’s testimony is:
a) Flynn coming out with testimony that Drumph is literally a Russian Manchurian Candidate
b) Flynn coming out to defend his reputation which has been shit on in the media
@JayS I hope it’s not ‘the big one.’ I hope ‘the big one’ never comes. No reasonable person wants to see the current state of our politics. It sucks for everyone.
@Onyx Z32 or c) he committed a crime and wants other people to go down instead of him. (Not Donald, but there are obviously other parties involved here.) His own words point to that option.
Ok, well then what crime do you think Flynn is looking for immunity from?
He’s probably trying to make sure he isn’t tried for treason. Which is absolutely the right move since he probably wasn’t committed to harming the country but any prosecutor worth his law degree will twist his actions into looking like he was.
What do you think he did that was treasonous?
I’m sure there were a lot of people in Salem in the late 1600’s that would have taken an immunity offer even if they weren’t witches if they had the chance…
When did I say I thought he did something treasonous? I’m applying his own logic in that he probably committed a crime.
Josh, are you kidding?
I guess the court system is a big waste of time then. Why put people through trial for anything? With that logic, if they are being tried, they are automatically guilty.