The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

NYSpeed’s imaginary cryptocurrency has been the $Beck for years. We can only decuple our economy from the $Beck and move to the $Josh if we hold a referendum. We could call it the “Beckxit”

I wish it was total taxes, but it is income taxes at current. I’m hoping they can sort the federal income & cap gains taxes out a bit after they get over the healthcare garbage so at least the punishment at the state level seems more tolerable. That said, fuck moving to Florida or Texas strictly to reduce state taxes unless you legit want to live there anyway.

Also @LZ1 sorry for being a cock, I assume the worst always because internet and figure no one here would give a flying fuck either way what I do or don’t say here :wink:

Damn I’m pissed because I already paid $1,400 in NYSfederal taxes. 11k income for the year so far, last year I made 50k, I’m hoping to better that. I’m about to open my own Company lmao

EDIT I paid $1,319 for federal and $432 State already so I’m more poor lol

Do it. Owning your own business is the most liberating thing possible. It will also ruin you, at least for a while, but it pays off.

On Trump topic about business: I’m pissed that the 15% passthrough rate for self employed or S corp looks like it has left his agenda since the election. That would be such a boon for business ownership.

I keep telling myself one day when I get a shit raise, I also need to pay off a vehicle or 2, but they’re almost paid off.

Really I just don’t know how I would talk to the owner of the company, like “hey I want to be you, and I know working for you I can never be you”.

Lol its gonna be strange, he might try to throw money at me to stay, I heard he used to stop by people’s houses and give then 5k to not quit. Maybe it’s just hearsay though, but it’s great to have a career in demand.

TX is a wonderful place, best move I have made!

Hahaha. Worth a shot either way it sounds like. I respect when my employees approach me with that too and reward them so I get it.

AHCA vote cancelled. We had 7 years to come up with something…

Trump has now failed on the travel ban AND failed on Healthcare.

Some of y’all really need to wait for things to fully play out before making declarative statements :oj:

$1.46 million x .0685 (NYS income tax) = $100,010. Not a bad yearly income.

Someone should probably pass that tip along to Donald.

Art of the deal bro. Ask for way more than you’re willing to take, build high expectations. But gotta be prepared to walk away and actually follow though. He should probably write a book about this so more people could understand him.


From 2014:

To be fair, the nation has waited 7 years for a health care bill that some Republicans were certain they could do a better job on.

      • Updated - - -

Tony Schwartz definitely knows what he’s talking about.

Oh yeah they’re a mess. But now it’s grand bargain time. People are talking about giving the Democrats single payer in return for immigration reform :tup:

Tony Schwartz definitely knows what he’s talking about.

Don’t forget John Miller!

There is no justification for how shitty this bill was. The way all of this has been handled is absolutely crap.

Im of the assumption that this bill was the match to burn down paul ryan. He has been anti-trump, and trump “doesnt forget”. Let him burn, introduce a new speaker, pass a good bill. Its all a game.

Actually there was justification for how shitty it was; Reconciliation.

Make Ron Paul speaker… sorry… could not resist. :slight_smile:

… Or maybe Judge Napolitano. :slight_smile: