The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

I was simply tying in your two previous posts; if you say he’s “trying to make sure he isn’t tried for treason” what then could be the treason you’re referring to?

In other words, what crime (treason, etc) in your judgment do you think he is guilty of as implied by his request for immunity given what we already known?

You were simply dismissing the judicial process with a meme…

Why would someone in the general public know that yet? I’m not claiming to know exactly what he did. I’m implying that HE thinks something that he did could be considered treason.

lol, ok sure. What’s the first step in the judicial process?

To convict based on the biased quotes from Democrat senators and MSNBC/CNN. :slight_smile:

Are you guys just salty because you’re so sick of winning?

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:gotme: Seems legit.

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Which goes with my earlier comment of me not trying to tie this to Trump.

But it’s okay. Keep getting your news from memes.

I’ll answer myself then 8-[

The first step is to bring charges. These charges would be based on something.

You can’t skip ahead to a trial (where an individual is tried for said charges) until you’ve completed step one.

So again, in order to be tried for treason, you must first be charged with doing something treasonous. What treasonous act could Flynn have committed that would eventually lead to a trial?

I was hoping @Paulo at this point you’d respond with “well based on circumstantial evidence, I think Flynn did X or Y” and we could continue the discussion from there, but instead we’re stuck arguing in circles. Such is politics in modern times it seems :slight_smile:

So you’d rather be pedantic than talk about the original issue. Flynn wants immunity for something. What might you think that is? Or would you rather answer with a meme? :slight_smile:

I have no idea what he wants immunity from. But when I asked you the same question, you responded with:

I know there are accusations out there from the left that he’s committed “treason” but no one ever clarifies what that this “treason” could have been.

I never expected you to know the answer to that. You kept doing the same thing to me:

Who should be frustrated? Let’s continue to go in circles then…

I used his own logic. That’s it. He very likely committed a crime. My speculation (and what I think is the right thing to do) is that he’s probably trying to mitigate the damages from his own crime considering the political climate. Even if he did something minor, Democrats will try to make him look like satan and people will push for the treason route. I’m thinking we agree here…

I provided this speculation in a DISCUSSION thread because I’d love to hear a reasonable opposing view. Why is it impossible for people to be concerned about these things without Trumpsters losing their minds? Why is this activity considered normal to you people?

i dont get my news from memes, but they do help define how i feel about the news.

Yeah for sure.

Not losing my mind here, but I did give you the opposing view. He’s likely asking for immunity in the same way Cheryl Mills & Huma Abedin asked for immunity over Hillary’s server scandal. And that testifying is a way for him to take back the media narrative that’s hurting his reputation.

Because it is. This goes back to your first post that this is “big news” again. Take a look at any recently politically controversial figure who might sit for a congressional hearing and look at how they respond. They all ask for immunity.

I’ll give you another example besides Hillary’s gal pals. Lois Lerner asked for immunity in the IRS scandal when she was set to sit for a congressional hearing. She didn’t get it, so she pleaded the 5th the whole time. Hasn’t been charged with a crime yet either. Republicans assume she’s guilty of something, Democrats assume she’s innocent.

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@Paulo has successfully distracted me from practicing meme magic today. I WONDER IF THAT WAS HIS PLAN ALL ALONG! :snky:

okay so this isnt Trump related but i didnt want to start a new thread and thought maybe it was best off here.

Basically, Pamela Anderson admits to having a relationship with Julian Assange. She travels regularly to the embassy where he is holed up. presumably to bang the shit out of that man for all of his efforts. She is quoted as saying Assange is the man she is spending the most time with right now.

I now love Pamela Anderson. She da real MVP

Oh shit. This must be how Putin got Hillary’s emails to Assange.

You’re all ridiculous. Not a single one of us has ANY idea what we are talking about. This situation has such a ridiculous amount of complexity that there’s no way any of us could pass judgement. You’d need intimate knowledge of the legal system at this level as well as knowledge of the national security implications. The information distributed to the general public is hand picked from the major news networks, who clearly have a bias. Any lawyer worth their weight would immediately ask for immunity for a case like this.

This reminds me of that video that circulates about talking to the police. NEVER DO IT. Even if you are innocent, you can talk yourself into looking guilty. Who wouldn’t request immunity for such a public witch hunt? One mis-step with how you talk and you become an internet meme for weeks, making you look like a terrorist.

Also, remember that Hillary IT person who was granted immunity for their testimony? If nothing illegal was done, why did they want immunity? Because no one can see into the future. You never know what is going to transpire from this testimony.

Sigh… That’s not what I was saying seemed like a big deal. Of course that’s a normal reaction for someone who has likely committed a crime. What I’m saying is that it seems quite out of the ordinary for the national security adviser to the President of the USA who was forced to resign due to alleged ties to Russia to even be in this scenario. Does that make sense?

I’m not trying to be chicken little here. Perhaps I haven’t been paying attention to politics for long enough but the current state of affairs seems like a whole lot of smoke, no? That’s all. No accusations. No insane speculations. No CNN quotes. Can we discuss that without someone being dismissive and condescending?

umm… PAMELA!!!

It’s a normal reaction for anyone going before congress who’s been accused of anything. “Likely committed a crime” is conjecture. @stuiephoto made similar points.

This is where things get muddled between right and left.

Flynn resigned not because of some villainous ties to Russia but because he told Pence that during a perfectly routine conversation with the Russian ambassador that the topic of sanctions never came up. Pence went on TV, assured the public that topic never came up, then though leaks and unmasking we all found out that was untrue.

The guy lied to his boss, wittingly or unwittingly. It all sounds pretty ordinary actually.

Flynn is only “in this scenario” because through his resignation (and other poor choices) the left has since used him as “proof” of machinations by Putin. Flynn, a Democrat who was once appointed by Obama as DIA Director is now in the position of getting used by his own political party. He WANTS to testify.

What you believe basically comes down to what political side you’re on. And that’s perfectly fine. However I think the simplest and therefore most likely explanation is that Flynn is tired of having his name dragged though the mud. He wants to tell his side of the story to counter the left’s narrative that he has somehow committed “treason.” And when you consider his long military history, accusations like that probably sting even more.

Phew. Okay, now we’re getting somewhere.

That probably simplifies it a bit too much, but I get what you’re trying to say.

Sounds like conjecture. Not an unreasonable view at all, but we don’t know for sure.

This could very likely be it. I do hope he gets to testify. With immunity? Meh. We’ll see why he’s asking first but if he did something malicious I think we all agree that people need to stop being let off the hook because of their political connections. He’s been denied that request so far but apparently it’s because it’s too early in the investigation for that. Time will tell.

As for the left v right part of this, here’s the problem I have with NYSpeed; I don’t know what to believe. So I posted the story, didn’t make any accusations, didn’t create any wild speculations, but people got triggered by me saying it was ‘big news.’ I’ll limit the hyperbole from now on but it really did seem like a big deal to me at the time. That’s all. I’m easily convinced by facts so getting the discussion started is a great way for me to continue to be disappointed with the media coverage on all this and them blowing it out of proportion. I don’t watch cable news at all. I read from reputable sources and try to bounce the discussion off of people on both sides of the political spectrum as a gut check and for additional view points.

I think the reason people are ‘triggered’ is because we know you’re looking for the smoking gun at this point. I mean let’s be honest, there are people who jump for joy at the thought of hard facts of Trump doing something wrong and others who are more focused on the things Trump is actually doing. We know what side of the fence you’re on at this point.

There are tons of people who are just waiting in the shadows to be the ‘I told you so’ crowd, but to this point, there’s no evidence, only media accusations.

It’s hard to take anyone serious who wants to bring these to the table as talking points.

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