The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

I wasn’t triggered, but I’ll admit to a bit of eye rolling as every step of the process is branded as earth shattering.

It was reported over the weekend that Flynn won’t be given immunity and we probably won’t hear anything more from him. But I’m not up to date on that line of news.

And now we have the Susan Rice stuff in the news and the right is branding it as earth shattering. Rand Paul even called it a smoking gun. When it’s possible that her unmasking of names (like Flynn’s) was legal depending on the context.

I’ll betcha Susan Rice is going to ask for immunity…

Well, in SOME news anyway. Just checked the headlines on 4/4/2017 @ 7:45am…

But yes @Paulo, please tell me some more about how fair the media is. :lol:

Are you just trolling? You’d have to be pretty ignorant to think the MSM is ‘fair’, especially with the 3 sites you just posted. Not sure why you’re projecting the typical neck beard Redditor stance. The only time I visit those sites is by accident. (Although I check Fox News from time to time for comparison on what’s being covered.)

      • Updated - - -

I hate Trump as an individual and I think he gets a lot more credit than he’s worth. That’s no secret and it’s merely my personal opinion. I would much rather talk about the policies but it’s hard not to see some of this other stuff and wonder what the fuck is going on.

You’re absolutely right, and it’s fucking annoying. I’m so sick of the Trump doomsday headlines. “DEMS SLAM TRUMP FOR BLAH BLAH BLAH” It’s absurd.

That’s where I would ask you to reconsider your stance on what you think is worth talking about. At least on here. Despite what you think about certain news outlets, these stories are EVERYWHERE. So try to view it objectively and understand why people might be concerned with it. Even if you might disagree that it should be news. I’m just pushing for more useful discussion instead of the left dismissing the right and vice versa. Does that make sense?

And the Rice story is no where but Fox, which if you’d stop to think about that for a minute you’d realize is the exact problem. The vast majority of the media are no longer media, they’re just a wing of the democratic party. These anti-Trump stories are everywhere not because they’re news but because they’re trying to help one party while hurting the other.

It’s the death by 1,000 cuts method. They’re going to keep pounding him using any story they can, linking anything possible to the Russian narrative. And there is no incentive for them to end this or get to the bottom of anything. This is going to continue for his entire term with the objective that the public will be so disenfranchised with Trump that they vote him out.

Unfortunately for them this is the only play they have. And they’ve tried it during the primaries and the election and it didn’t work then either.

The best part is that the left is psyching themselves up for a huge win (Trump impeachment or no second term) in the same fashion they hyped themselves up for Hillary’s inevitability… and they still can’t see it.

If you haven’t already, you should read Rules for Radicals: Full text of "Rules for Radicals"

This is the playbook for the left and only in recent years has the right woken up to it. And it totally works… that is, until Trump.

Dude this is what they want. Don’t give them what they want.

@JayS - This isn’t a new phenomenon, nor is it one sided. It happened all through Obama’s presidency as well. I can see how much more it happens now though because you’re right in that more media outlets lean left.
@Onyx_Z32 - I can see that for sure. The entirety of media coverage is very distracting.

Out curiosity; Do you think Trump the individual is the right guy for this job? Or do you think he’s been handling things well so far? Trying to ignore the coverage, it’s hard to take the guy seriously when he tweets about Celebrity Apprentice ratings and Snoop Dogg. I don’t think his real estate mogul tactics are playing out in his favor yet. Not pinning anything, just trying to see what the general opinion is of him thus far.

If you honestly believe that the mainstream media did the same thing to Obama there’s really no point in even responding to you anymore. Have fun in your bubble, I’m done.

lol. That’s not quote what I said. What’s happening now is FAR worse than anything Obama had to deal with. Get over yourself.

If we’re not talking about policy, I’d say so far so good. He’s endured an onslaught of accusations & attacks that would have knocked out most politicians especially one from the right. Despite all of it he’s still chugging away (insert Trump train meme) and it’s only serving to endear him more to his supporters.

We’re only 11 weeks in I think. There is still a LONG way to go.


He does seem unphased, I’ll give him that. I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how ‘flustered’ he is and how he is going to crack. It’s eye roll material at best.

So when it comes to policy, what about the notable missteps? (For lack of a better term.) For example, the 2 immigration policies, getting rid of net neutrality, the proposed budget, etc. Is some of it chalked up to inexperience that will get better along the way? From the start I never expected Trump to be writing much policy so this is more of a question about the administration as a whole. I’m not trying to tear into anyone here, I’m honestly looking for some viewpoints on it because we all know what the MSM thinks…

this whole net neutrality thing is really annoying, I guess it’s time for a VPN. Do you guys like the data selling?

I don’t want my ISP selling my browsing data but Google, Facebook, and everyone else can sell it and do whatever they want with it…beyond that don’t almost all major sites use SSL?

The data isn’t there to really do anything with when you can already get much more granular data from social media.

I don’t like it but he is doing what he said he would. He is stripping powers and controls back from the Feds and leaving it with the states.

@Paulo I take back part of my statement there, kind of a heat of the moment thing.

I totally understand how hard it is to pick and choose what stories yo believe and what not too.

I’ve sort of come to the point that I don’t read the media anymore, I follow white house updates and see what Trump is saying himself.

I can appreciate you wanting to find the bottom of the truth, but if the truth is fabricated, is there really ever a bottom?

It just seems like the media has an earth shattering headline everyday and it turns out to be a flop everyday. There is no smoking gun, never has been. It’s all just nonsense to keep people divided and keep the media getting their ratings and being relevant until something actually happens worth talking about.

The Russia story is old news and there’s no evidence. They are losing traction and people aren’t taking them serious anymore.

They would have been smarter to keep quiet and keep fishing until they had something, but they can’t get out of their own way. Too busy throwing tantrums because they lost.

Mark Poloncarz is throwing a fit on his Twitter account about Trump, meanwhile there’s trolls living in some of Erie Counties potholes.

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^ THIS. I don’t like the idea of my ISP selling my data, but a law saying they can’t that does nothing about Google, Facebook, Amazon and every other site doing the exact same thing is stupid.

Right. Cookie tracking data blows away anything that your ISP will grab.

I’ve never understood the argument of one thing being bad means another bad thing is ok. When you support people who do this stuff with your votes for their cash doesn’t it make you concerned about what’s next. Also, Trumps more along the lines of taking power from the Feds and giving it to Corporations. This being a good example.

It if you guys have nothing to hide, you shouldn’t be worried right? :rolleyes:

I guess my point was you don’t really need a law since the majority of traffic is encrypted and it doesn’t matter anyways.

The idea was more to take power away from the FCC

All the people crying about this don’t have any idea how the internet works anyways.