The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

What about that One America News channel? No bias, just news? I turned it on and it felt like news of the past… was interesting. Haven’t watched it enough yet to get a read on if it actual is biased and simply pretending its not…

You don’t put up any current events.

You put up EXACTLY what the media wants you to talk about. You’re a puppet whether you believe it or not.


If reading multiple sources and actively seeking out multiple perspectives makes me a puppet, you can call me Kermit.

President Trump attacking Jeff Sessions seems beyond stupid to me. Sure it’s his way of trying to get him to resign but after attacking the conservatives for failure of Obamacare repeal months ago, is he trying to drive away the people that voted for him? I don’t care for some Russia conspiracy , and the way he tweets etc, but when you reward loyalty like that, why in the world would anyone want to put themselves on the line for you?

i agree. i dont like the sessions-bashing.

He’s at it again today.

He makes a habit of doing this in a public way instead of speaking with people directly and professionally. Superb leadership. :tup:

Another week goes by and WHAMMY still President #resist

Let the man work. Nothing happens in a vacuum guys… remember this is 4D chess.

Talk of Sessions on the way out has the media looking for the scoop on who’s next in line. Which means the leakers are leaking names to the media like they did last week with Giuliani. Scaramucci is already firing suspected leakers, see Assistant Press Secretary Michael Short. And the media has gone from shitting on Sessions, to loving Sessions and oh look now Sessions is going to announce an investigation into leakers so wait… now they hate him again? Trump has distanced himself from Sessions in advance of a leak investigation, while boosting Sessions’s image in the media.

It’s all positioning.

Another example is the transgender tweet today, it’s amazing. The left is so outraged by it that it’s all they’re going to talk about. Democrats know they can’t win majorities focusing on issues like transgenders and they just came out with a big new messaging push to get back on jobs and the economy. Schumer is out there doing press talking about the shift, etc. Then here comes a Trump tweet and BOOM all the efforts to refocus the Democrats away from social issues are for nothing. Now the Democrats will have to appease the vocal minorities in their party over this trans stuff for the 2018 election.

It’s really amazing stuff to watch.

      • Updated - - -

Start with this and if you have critical thinking skills, it really shouldn’t matter which source of news you watch.

CNN is awful. Even ESPN is trying to be political now and failing miserably. I read everything from Breitbart on the super right to WaPo on the super left and fill in other articles from Reddit and the comments. The issue is if you lean one way or another, every article you see popup on Facebook which is where most people get their info sadly is going to trend more towards your own views and further support your viewpoint. It sucks how hard it is to find out accurate information so you need to read multiple articles and try to come to your own conclusion since no news agency anymore will just post facts and let you make your own decision.

Have you considered the possibility that he’s actually a belligerent 71 year old fuckwad?

But seruiously, I certainly believe that most of the shit he says is a distraction of sorts. I thought that was pretty well known?

Why is the MSM not covering the debbie schultz/IT guy story?

Pretty much nobody likes Schultz, but it’s not a headline because some maniac is president currently and being a total asshole (see the LGBT campaign quote vs recent tweet) and this is a better headline and more important currently.

It boggles my mind that people equate not letting trans serve the military with being anti lgbt. The policy only even applies to one of the 4 letters.

I know people in the military and every one of them said it’s a growing issue that needed to be addressed.

The military discriminates against MANY people, why do people think the military is an EEO? I’ve never served, but have many friends who did, and everyone of them agrees with this decision.

also, a list of medical disqualifications from the Navy:

  • Absence of one kidney.

  • Acromegaly, or gigantism, enlargement of hands, feet, and face due to disease of
    pituitary gland.

  • Addiction to drugs.

  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS Related Complex (ARC),
    HIV antibody, or history of any of the above.

  • Alcoholism, chronic.

  • Alcohol addiction/dependency within last one year.

  • Amputation of arm, leg or limb.

  • Anaphlaxis, severe, to insects or food.

  • Aphakia, surgical or traumatic.

  • Aphonia, loss of voice.

  • Blindness, one or both eyes.

  • Body Art/Tattoos: No visible tattoos on the neck, face or scalp. NRPS staff shall
    review the DD-Form 2808 and personally verify each tattoo annotated by medical
    staff. Tattoos that are excessive, obscene or advocate sexual, racial ethnic or
    religious discrimination are disqualifying. Gang related symbols/tattoos are
    disqualifying. Clarification of all questionable tattoos shall be referred to the
    appropriate Region Commander for final disposition.

  • Body mutilation, piercing, branding/intentional scarring that are excessive or
    eccentric are disqualifying. Some examples are:

  • A split or forked tongue. This is a surgical procedure done to make the tongue
    appear serpent-like;

  • foreign objects inserted under the skin that creates a design or pattern;

  • enlarged or stretched-out holes in the ears (other than a normal piercing) This
    typically occurs when rings of a progressively larger size are inserted in the
    ear lobe. After time the hole is expanded. Any occurrence of this type is
    considered faddish and therefore disqualifying. All questionable cases will be
    referred to the appropriate Region Commander for final disposition.

  • Gold veneers on the teeth or any type of dental ornamentation are also

  • branding/intentional scarring that appears on the neck, face or scalp is
    disqualifying. All brandings/scarring that are offensive in nature, excessive or
    eccentric are also disqualifying. All questionable cases will be referred to the
    appropriate Region Commander for disposition.

  • Bronchiectasis or Atelectasis.

  • Brain, hernia of.

  • Cancer with treatment within the last five years.

  • Cataracts.

  • Cirrhosis.

  • Corneal transplant, history of same.

  • Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis or history of other chronic inflammatory
    bowel disease.

  • Deafness, complete, both ears.

  • Deformities, severe, of the mouth, throat, or nose which interfere with speech or
    mastication of ordinary food.

  • Deformities of marked degree which seriously interfere with normal body
    functions and weight bearing power; severe scoliosis, kyphosis.

  • Diabetes.

  • Drug therapy.

  • Eating Disorders: Anarexia Nervosa.

  • Elephantiasis, severe, swelling of extremities.

  • Emphysema or unhealed sinuses of the chest wall following surgery for

  • Eye, loss of, and diplopia.

  • Glaucoma any degree, regardless of control

  • Harelip, severe, causing speech defects.

  • Head injury, severe, within the last five years.

  • Hearing loss, total, unilateral or bilateral; hearing loss greater than 60 db.

  • Headaches, recurrent, severe, which require prescription medication or interfere
    with daily activity.

  • Heart Conditions, valvular, with more than a trace or trivial regurgitation.

  • Hepatitis, chronic: Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C carrier.

  • Hermaphroditism (state characterized by presence of both male and female sex

  • Idiocy (extreme mental deficiency).

  • Imbecility (feebleness of mind).

  • Intestinal Obstruction: more than one episode.

  • Keratoconus of any degree (protrusion of cornea).

  • Keratorefractive Surgery (RK). Waivers may be requested for PRK and LASIK.

  • Leprosy.

  • Malignant Hyperthermia/Hyperpyrexia.

  • Medullary Sponge Kidney, Nephrotic Syndrome or Minimal Change Kidney Disease.

  • Multiple sclerosis (nerve disease involving muscle weakness and uncoordination).

  • Muscular dystrophy (progressive atrophy/wasting of the muscles).

  • Mutism, unable to speak, regardless of cause.

  • Neck, tumor of the thyroid, including enlarged lymph nodes, if the enlargement is of such degree as to interfere with wearing of ordinary clothing.

  • Neurosyphilis of any form (syphilis of central nervous system).

  • Obesity, intestinal bypass surgery for treatment thereof, all types.

  • Ocular implants.

  • Optic Neuritis or history of same.

  • Orthopedic injuries that result in functional limitations secondary to residual muscle weakness or decreased range of motion.

  • Osteochondroma, recurrent.

  • Otitis Media, chronic and currently active.

  • Paraplegia (paralysis of legs and lower part of body).

  • Pes Cavus, severe, symptomatic.

  • Pneumonectomy, removal of entire lung.

  • Pregnancy.

  • Prosthetic replacement of joints.

  • Psychiatric Conditions: Schizophrenia. (For the previously disqualifying disorders of: Major depression, recurrent; Bipolar disorder; Panic disorders; Sexual disorders; and Personality disorders, severe; recommend courtesy review first, but NRD can request MEPS exam. MEPS examiner usually will decline and instruct that courtesy review be requested first.

  • Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB) severe active pustular). Mild cases now are accepted at RTC.

  • Retinal detachment.

  • Seizure disorders, unless the seizures were associated with fever before the 5th birthday or if a singe seizure occurred immediately after injury. In other instances when last seizure occurred, courtesy review first may be optimal.

  • Silastic Implants (except breast).

  • Shoulder dislocations, verified history of recurrent episodes with or without surgical correction.

  • Skin disorders, chronic. Atopic dermatitis; Eczema, chronic; and Psoriasis with greater than two small patches.

  • Spinal Fusion, greater than two vertebral spaces, congenital or surgical involving any number of vertebrae, by any method.

  • Substance dependence.

  • Tumor, malignant, documented and without confirmed cure and acceptable level of residual effects from treatment.

  • Undescended testicle unless surgically removed or confirmed to be absent; congenital or surgical bilateral absence.

  • Uveitis, chronic peripheral.

  • Anabolic Steroid Use.

Trump hates people with eczema!

@snowracer101 Ah of course, being transgendered is as limiting as a pneumonectomy. Makes sense. /s

I work directly with all branches of the military (actually spent this week at a Marine base) and have not had anyone agree with this. So what’s your point?

I’m perfectly fine with Trump having an opinion and policy that’s anti-LGBT. However, saying you’ll do better than Hillary for them then doing this is total scumbag move.

It’s also a total Russian playbook strategy to equate gayness to a sickness. They often bring up pedophilia whenever talking about gay people to try and associate the two together in peoples minds. Am I going to see that next here?

Gay and transgender aren’t the same thing. Hes not the one grouping them together, everyone else is. Being transgender is LITERALLY a psychiatric condition and has a DSM-5 criteria from the American Psychiatric Association.

Source? From what I can see, DSM-5 speaks to Gender Dysphoria which is “the distress a person experiences as a result of the sex and gender they were assigned at birth. In these cases, the assigned sex and gender do not match the person’s gender identity, and the person is transgender.”

So you can be transgender without having Gender Dysphoria. Meaning they are a normal functioning human who does not identify as the same sex they were at birth.

never said they were the same thing as Trump never said he would only help gay people and not transgender.