It’s crazy the amount of gang related violence that takes place in western BC (Surrey and surrounding areas) that is not reported in Canadian news…
@snowracer101, Thanks for the detailed response. :tup: It’s good to hear from the enforcement side of it.
People don’t usually get an idea as to how complex this problem really is. And I am very aware of how Canada views illegal immigration. They certainly don’t fuck around. Not sure what MSM is making them look soft but I totally agree with you.
@JayS, Just calling it as I see it. We can stop going in circles since it’s always the same story with you. I thought you were ignoring me? :lol:
- Updated - - -
To add to this; What’s the general mood from border agents on reducing the amount of legal immigrants by 50%? Will that # have much of an effect on your future daily activities? (i.e. how many these legal immigrants might become a problem later?)
we going to talk about that shit in Virginia in here or in another thread or not at all?
Two groups of shit heads fighting each other? One from far left and one from far right? :lol:
I just want to point out: Dodge Challenger
Sure. Want to start? :lol:
yeah, it’s altogether unfortunate.
firstly, man those white dudes need better PR with the way they are being characterized in the media. And i wonder about what the impact will be on all these guys whose photos were taken and who can clearly be identified.
Before they identified the driver i was quite interested to know who was going to be responsible. the fact that it was a young right-leaning white guy reinforces the media narrative which is not good for Trump or the right.
also would prefer if it had of been a mustang rather than a challenger. this guy had zero sense of humor obviously.
Why? Challenger is more fitting.
referring only to this years mustang memes.
? Mustang memes were last year.
The Challenger has been used as an instrument of racism since the late 70’s.
Which guys are you talking about? Vanguard America people?
The media’s coverage would have been more interesting if a muslim blew himself up AND the Nazis AND the fascists.
I understand what point you’re trying to make but damn this sentence alone is fucked up. I think you mean an Islamic extremist (i.e. member if ISIS) as opposed to an actual Muslim.
i dont know who they are but all the news is saying they are all neo-nazi, KKK people.
imagine being a regular white dude getting photographed in these images, posted all over the world, and you’re not a neo-nazi or KKK member?
every person hurt or killed was an angel from what i am seeing though which is unfortunate.
The charger was the general Lee.
But some today could still say the charger is used as an instrument of racism as well since it’s a police vehicle
Trump’s being politically correct in his words right now in response to this. it’s pretty boring. i wanna hear some shit about mexicans paying for the wall now… or how he carried all those swing states… or NK threats…
@bing - not sure but yeah that would fucking suck to be tied to that without even realizing it. From what I’m seeing most of the organized groups are quickly making statements to distance themselves from this guy. But then there are idiots like the Springfield cop who said “Hahahaha love this, maybe people shouldn’t block road ways.” Wtf…
I always get that wrong, but coupe to coupe… anyways imagine if that car was in full livery?
Extremist can be assumed when someone blows themselves up. No?
Islamic and Muslim are one-in-the-same.
Islam is the act of submitting to the will of God whereas a Muslim is person who participates in the act of submission.