The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

I’m not really surprised that no one in the Trump thread is bringing this up. The article you posted is obviously oozing spite towards Trump, but all the information listed regarding the cabinet choices can be validated. It’s actually terrifying that the Trump supporters are ignoring these choices, much like they loved to attack the “libtards” for ignoring all of Hillary’s crap.

It’s probably important that, as a nation of people who live here, we stop ignoring things that are quite obviously wrong just so we can stay on our side of the imaginary line. I always hear one side telling the other side to wake up, but it’s quite obvious that everyone is dreaming.

Honestly, he does want to “drain the swamp” but also needs to run a country. I am hoping his ego to be awesome made him put people that really may surprise and do well and break the norm. While yes, on one hand you want to get rid of the swap but on the other hand, you can’t just put inexperienced people in place because they aren’t part of the establishment.

What I do know is he wasn’t really a threat and these alt left people kept harassing, protesting, and disrupting his events before the election. They seem to keep it up so maybe we will see another 2020 run from Trump as well as these keep making people who used to support the Dems hate them.

I understand the desire to break the norm, but it’s a government. Even if you look at is as a business, hiring people to do a job in which they have no experience in and, in some cases, don’t even know what the job actually entails, is an extremely dangerous move. Yes, it is possible for all the naysayers to be surprised. Maybe he found every single diamond in the rough and we will have a savant cabinet. But, if you look at facts, as both of the NYspeed Trump threads have been making fun of non-supporters for ignoring, they point to a series of extremely poor decisions so far.

If he wants to really drain then why fill everything with insiders, lobbyists, and wall street. At what point does his actions contradicting his words have any meaning to any of you.

I think you guys are confusing the meaning of “drain the swamp”. You can’t complain that this picks doesn’t have the typical government experience on one hand then also complain that some other pick is too much of a government insider on the other. I’m not going through all of them since I don’t have time, but a few of the “controversial” ones…

Rick Perry is a great choice for the Energy Department if it actually did what the name implied. Unfortunately instead of dealing with the nation’s energy needs, something a long time governor of energy producer Texas would know about, the major role the Energy Department plays is nuclear non-proliferation. Nothing in Perry’s resume says he’s qualified there. Terrible pick.

General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, perfect choice for defense secretary. The more I read about this guy the more I like this pick. I can see why the left hates him though but elections have consequences and we’re going in a different direction than your, “everyone gets a prize, and every dictator gets a sternly written letter” style of diplomacy.

Betsy Devos, I’m fine with. The grizzly answer was bad but if you look past a stupid sound bite and the smear job the media/left are doing she’s actually got a good resume of pushing for major changes to our education system.

Rex Tillerson, well, you certainly can’t claim he’s an insider. I’m not going to vilify him because he’s made a lot money at Exxon. I suppose that he’s got a working relationship in Russia fit’s into the media’s trumped up hysteria about Russian’s hacking our election though.

Jeff Sessions, about time we had someone who believes in borders as attorney general. I’ll take his actual proven record of desegregating schools in Alabama and getting the death penalty for a KKK murder over some hearsay that he made some racist comments once.

Tom Price, I was fine with a big Obamacare critic getting the Health and Human Services job but this insider trading stuff doesn’t look good. May end up taking him and Chris Collins down.

I’m not confused with what Trump was promising. He said his plan to drain the swamp was to remove corruption, remove wall street/special interest/big business, and put experienced, well qualified individuals in place to maga.

I’m asking my question based on his promises versus his decisions, which are vehemently opposing at this point.

you’re just reminding me how the few outsiders he picked are more crazy than the majority insiders filling out most it out. Doesn’t it look a lot like he’s putting the wolves in charge or guarding the chickens at some point?

Obama flipped on many of his promises, it all changes once they show him the aliens. All bets are off. :smiley:

lol, aliens may actually be a valid reason



What did everyone expect him to do, bring in joe-schmo middle management types? What does drain the swamp mean?

He says all the right things, but when it comes time to take some action, he needs to do so within the bounds of the real world.

maybe he could consider doing what he says or saying something different so he’s not telling lies all the time. (and before you go there, others being half as bad doesn’t make him right)


For starters, he did sign legislation allowing Gen. Mattis to be Secretary Of Defense, so there’s one thing he promised to do.

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yay, you found one thing that wasn’t an outright lie.

Man Boasts Of Sexual Assault, Later Inaugurated 45th President Of United States” - Forbes

Well, the only counter-argument is that he is naive to what the “bounds of the real world” are, because he is not a politician. Of course, he should have thought about that BEFORE hitting the campaign trail.

Overall, we’re in agreement. I think the majority of americans would be in agreement, if they could think about it critically.

BUT, let’s also understand that he was doing what he had to do, to win. Kasich and Paul (among, perhaps, others) tried proposing realistic action during their time on the campaign trail (from what I recall). Didn’t get either of them very far.

People trampled Hillary because she’s a liar (rightfully so) but defend Trump’s bullshit by saying “He did what he had to do to get elected”.

I 100% guarantee that most of the people who voted for Trump didn’t do so thinking that the things he was promising would end up being lies or things that he couldn’t make happen. This was huge selling point on his campaign trail. Everybody knows that politicians lie, but Trump was supposed to be a breath of fresh air from all of it. Anti-establishment, anti-wall street, anti-everything he ended up choosing for his cabinet.

I wish for the best to happen and I do hope that I’m wrong. I’ve enjoyed watching my investments over the last several months, but he’s building a house of cards on a foundation of ignorance and inexperience, and being excused by his devout followers as “not knowing any better”. He’s not a toddler that accidentally stepped on the cat, he’s the President of a country. His words matter. If he’s not making good on his words, his followers should be pissed, not hypocrites.

If that came off as me defending him, it shouldn’t have. I’m not defending him, just providing my analysis of what happened.

I got a good LOL out of this fluff article:

Trump changes Twitter background image to a photo from Obama’s 2009 inauguration.


From the article:

Maybe the background was Melania’s idea.