The unveiling of the 240

Ok so finally after getting the energy to get these pics on the comp i’ve…well…got them lol.

Me and DudebuD

His is the one with the winter steelies…mine is the one with the oem sides.


Keep in mind, shitty lighting and it was cold.

EDIT: yes yes, we know…we drive 4wheelers lol, dont remind us HAHA

Twin red 240s. looking sharp man. Now take the time to make yourself a sick sig and ava.

Lol, yea i know eh, fuck i design one for everyone else and i dont do my own lol. Im just lazy to put the $10 on paypal for the membership lmaooo

I missed the point of this thread…

i believe they are unveilling their 240’s to everyone on the board

or…showcasing his photography shots?

ahh…wait…yes…now i’m confused on the point of the thread now…thanks logik

you made me think…then you made me confused…now i’m going to stop producing at work

Those cars required a unveiling? haha

cool cars…boba show us your 240 you seem to have something to say about everyone elses, i wanna see yours.

Nice shots guys.

Yea seriously,
I dont see why posting pictures of our cars has become such a confused discussion.

Logik…the point? Read the title…

Boba, unless you’ve got something productive to say, stay out of it.
I didnt ask for you to criticise here did i? No, i’ve simply tried to enjoy the fact of posting the FIRST somewhat productive pictures of my car…and somehow that becomes a despute?

Tell me where it says this my car DIDNT need an unveiling…im sure you were quite pleased with your first 240 no? You didnt enjoy being able to show off its great condition? Regardless, i do…so why bother commenting back with such rude remarks…

It’s just that we are expecting some crazy new project with the title and we are greeted by a few dark winter pics of dirty, stock cars on steelies with missing trim.

I loved my car and when it was stock, i posted it cause was so proud and no one cared and now I see why. lol

Anyways, I’m not knocking the cars, just saying you can’t expect everyone to be like “woww sick ride”. At least have nice summer pics of clean cars in awesome shape.

I didnt expect everyone to say “woww sick ride”.
It was merely for my satisfaction, and for the ones who truely understood the purpose of the thread.

cool cars…boba show us your 240 you seem to have something to say about everyone elses, i wanna see yours.

Nice shots guys.

Did you just buy it or something?


Well nice buy then! Tell a little story with your picture, it would be cool.

you guys realize there is a thread for this sorta stuff?

nice car man, enjoy it!
if u keep that spolier i suggest u buy a car cover or keep it in the garage b/c it’s a vry good rust spot!!

OH helllll no.
The spoilers coming off…of both of them.
Once it gets a little bit warmer im gonna start the work on it, have to redo my oem sides aswell…need some paint work.

I helped do the 5 speed swap, What you really need pics of is that fucking dope sick shift boot I made you.

LMFAO jo…do you realllllyyyy want me to show that ahahaha

Mike!! Show The Shift Boot!!!