The unveiling of the 240

Thats Cute.

LMAO, i at least expected bashing, but i definatly didnt expect “thats cute” lmaooo

Thanks i guess?


Well when you post pictures of anything on the internet they will be critiqued. Whether people say it or not thats a fact of life. I say what I feel and I am sure other people on here feel the same way but are un-willing to admit it.

Secondly, I am really quite super extaticly happy you feel that way about your 240, it really brings a tear to my eye.

Well with a comment like the one you had posted, you’d better expect to have gotten a response just as i have posted.

Techincally you didnt really critique them, if you break it down it was more along the lines of bash at if you think about it.

I agree, it’s cute.

LMAO shudafuck up josh.

mike, go sell warranties

looks good man… now im just wondering if youve every gotton into eachothers cars thinkin it was your own…

cant tell for sure but is one a Chucki and the other a Pignose?

No, both chucki’s his is a 93 mine is a 91.

I think nissan unveiled those in 91’