The War
anybody watching this caught a bit of it last night
was pretty good if you are into WWII history

yep. caught part 3 I think it was last night. 42-43. Talked a lot about minority servicemen. Basically followed 3 or 4 families through the war during that time and how the war and a segregated army / army suppliers in Birmingham, AL. Also touched on japanese treatment during war time.

Lot’s of stuff I didn’t know about the battles and the planning for certain attacks.

Maybe I did see this. I watched something about the Tuskegee Airmen a couple days ago, but wasn’t really paying attention to which program it was.

yeah i didn’t know about how poorly they were treated. pretty interesting though

yep. poor treatment and the inefficiency in munitions production of having to run two completely separate production lines because of segregation was really eye opening.

One african american from Kansas I think he said, went to sign up for the war. He held a PhD in History from Harvard, had published works, and was in great physical shape. He was told by the recruiter “wow, you have everything we are looking for except color” and was declined.

The tuskegee airmen were mentioned in this episode but they didn’t go into great detail. I believe it’s a 5 part series on pbs.

edit: just looked again and it’s 7 parts. 4 this week. 3 next week.

My history professor mentioned this show to us the other night and I wanted to check it out. Apparently its a multi part series? He wasn’t too clear on that. What station is it on?

The War is pretty much awesome.