The What If Thread?

:rofl Ron murdered that one

then the resulting manbearcyruspig would populate mars

what if sam (hatch) never met michelle?

He’d cock block me and I’d never get laid.

What if I was a VW faggot?

you probably would crash alot less.

what if i was black

what if i was white

what if my dick wasnt 9 inches long

then you would be a looser.

then you would be cool

it isnt so its no big deal

what if it were legal to have sex with your own mother?


what if i had a budget

what if i wasnt lazy

what if i paid server bills on time

what if centola hosted and we didnt go down

what if i wasnt a genius but still a dropout

what if i thought like everyone else… that would suck

what if pjb was actually a serial killer?

those two are backwards, black is the new white.

brown never changes, it always sucks to be brown

What if singh posted them up one at a time like the rest of the cool kids following the format. :lol

Lets start this again

Then shift would loose a few members daily.

What if PJB really does go to Adult World?

ya what if i really did that ? :lol

cool thread tho, but its better not to think about it too much, in my situation its rather depressing

what if sinkh stopped fishing for drama and talking about himself

then this thread would be way better

what if benny came to your house and masturbated vigorously in front of your grandmother

then that would be HAWT!

What if you joined in?

its been done, the results are life changing.

what if you were paid 1 billion dollars to have sex with your brother, and this made you find out he is in fact your sister?

Mind blown

What if this forum had less white trash?

The epicness that is Failvis would never have been known.

What if when people say its raining cats and dogs… it actually was raining cats and dogs?

the china men would have alot more to eat

what if it was actually raining men

you would be in heaven

what if aliens attacked?