The What If Thread?

Easy, just set a hypothetical situation and attach “what if” to it. Make them as random and grotesque as you wish.

We should add to the fun.

Post up the answer to the “what if” above you.

What if clothing was never inveted and humans just shit and pissed whenever and wherever they wanted because the toilet was never invented?

What if semen was a popular homemade drink?

what if shift518 was never started

what if justink didnt drive with one hand on the wheel.

what if ewing would have dunked, instead of faded away?

We should add to the fun.

Post up the answer to the “what if” above you.

Then MJ wouldnt be shit on the courts.

What if my jetta would stay together for more that 100miles?

answer to what if : buy 02m swap. drive more than 100 miles, find out the car can be fun to drive. :lol

what if welfare didnt exist?

We’d all have alot more money and the US would be ****** free

What if There were 8 days in a week?

cant answer that.

what if lincoln had never been president?

The government would make us work 6 days in a row on ave.

What if Kbizz911 was really a man?

Then I would masturbate 40 times instead of 35 a week.

what if I was srsbzns’ fathr

I would be on the 5$ bill

What if my penis was a US land mark?

it would be the smallest landmark in existence

what if i was ron’s father

that was never in question…

what if benny smoked less pot

he would be a rocket scientist

what if ron was a grizzly bear

We would all be fucked.

What if miley cyrus was here right now?

^ False, Ron would get eaten by a black bear

What if Mk430R wasnt a mod?

alot less would have gotten done around here.

what if you idiots didnt ride my dick so much

You’d never get laid

What if my Grizzly bear half man self fucked and ate Miley Cyrus?