The Workchat Thread

Debugging Virtual Earth/Bing stuff. This shit is like getting cavities drilled out with toothpicks and no Novocain.


4 more days…then Europe for 2 weeks.

I have done very little. I fixed a lady’s PC (personal) for $30. Spyware/IE7 issues.

More HTML. Hooray.

PM’d you about the puter stuff


i work when im at work, no internetz

sucks for you!!

I cant use it much since Im out on the road most days. Sometimes Ill quickly check my email and occasionally on a slow Friday Ill go online after everybody else is gone (I work later on Fridays). Other than that I just use it to check the company email for orders I have to fill and/or deliver.

Just got home from Syracuse.

Left at 8am. Got there at 10:30. Worked till 7pm. Ate dinner at Carraba’s. Drove home. Dropped the fan off, only to find out I’m locked out of my office after hours and my car keys are down there.

Take company van to home, get spare, go back to office. Get car. Go home.

I’m tired.

Bored as hell today cant wait for 4 oclock!

Slow day today and the rain didn’t help. Waiting for 5:00 to roll around so I can head up to Saratoga afterwards for the fights!

Damn it stuck at work and no one online at 4am, WTF!

The cooling system broke. Its stuck on high heat at full blast. My office is now roughly 90*. Thankfully, we all have laptops, we we’re sitting outside. :slight_smile: The poor people inside hate us right now.

meeting with the ceo in 15.

Waiting for 6PM to roll around…UPS is deaddddd today

work has been fucked up and really busy this past week. Some of it has to do with the track being opened (orders) but alot of it is from equipment fucking up.

Good god I love my job. I went to the company doctor and got prescribed a bunch of DRUGS to pick up after work (narcotics and motrin 800mg). And was given prescription strength painkillers to ease my pain while I am here.


Oh, and we got a complementary pizza+salad luncheon. YEAH

+1 I had a milf :excited nurse here at our on site doctors office reapply bandages to my back from the weekends fireworks shenanigans

lmfao :rofl

Theres usually a hot intern working there but I didn’t see her. Still though… la la la drugs ftw

I’m shopping for an exhaust for my Snobaru at work.