The Workchat Thread

I am rather lit. 1600mg of ibuprofen later :rofl

Good thing I don’t work in manufacturing, i’d be fucking everything up.

Codeine is better.

That it is.

srsly don’t do that again d00d (did u have blood in your shit?!) stick to safer narcotics to get fuzzy

it says not to exceed 2400mg in a day. theyre 800mg each.

200-400mg every 4-6 hours, no more than 1200mg/day is most common. Upping it to 800mg/3x per-day has no therapeutic advantage. Just a heads up, not busting balls just looking out :thumb

Mine is a prescription though so it’s a little different.

Thanks for the heads up though… my farts are smelling a little acidic now that Ithink about it :rofl

haha 'script ibuprofen is different - anyways back on topic, Im at work and blunt-thirty cant come soon enough

I love it when the business men of the company spring a scenario on you 4 days before a feature goes live. Even though I asked him a month ago “Is there anything else that this needs to be able to handle?” and he answered “No”.

Also makes it hard when he has a one track mind. The feature is designed to be multi-company and super flexible (pretty much everything can be user defined). He only wants to to do EXACTLY what he says. /facepalm

I hate when I finish all my work by ten and have to be here til 2. Ha ha anyone wanna pretend to be a driving school and fax me an order for supplies so I can “deliver” it.

Can’t wait for 4 oclock gunna have a nice 4 day weekend in the woods.

I’m off next week, goin to the woods as well.

i wanna spend some time in the woods :frowning:

Bologna and cheese sandwich with ketchup ftw

does sound good.

If my mommy makes me an extra i’ll drop one off at your house one of these days

They are very tasty.

does she put mommas own special sauce on there? :tongue

i add my own sauce for ya

baby batter?
