There Go The Dinosaurs!

the worst part is that in a lot of places in the south, this is the widespread public sentiment and thinking otherwise gets YOU the :squint:

HAHAHA i have three of those things … THEY ARE FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!

It’s the Law - An epic story about moses and a teacher giving a student an F for writing about the 10 commandments.

The Choice - a Mans story of an inter conflict about Choosing God to be in his life.

Some Jew one - Talks about the Blacks in africa starving because they cut off diplomatic ties with Israel LOL

OOOO I can get them all online!! I’m gonna order one of each!

:lol: wtf

  1. When i lived in North Carolina i saw a guy outside of the supermarket collecting for a charity so i decided to go give a few bucks. I got closer and saw it was a church thing and decided not to donate(noting against religous people just not what i want to give my money to) and the guy starts badgering be about it. I had nothing important to do so i explain my situation to him and the guy starts creaming at me and i hought i was going to have to fight him. It was crazy haha.
  2. Also in North Carolina i was shooting pool with a friend of mine and when i missed a shot said “God damnit” and some guy come over and gets in my face and tells me not to say that around him lol. I asked him if that was his girlfriend he was with “yes” and are you fucking her? “ugh blah blah” great well god hates you too. Barfight/ Nothing i would do now but i was 18 and drunk so meh.


HAHAHA I am saving that as the desktop on the work computer haha.

OMFG LOL @ “These slaves belonged to god

:lol: wow, thats just horrible

Somebody Loves Me
Beaten and alone, a child dies. But Jesus cares.


awesome new avatar thanks to

When i first looked at that, i thought he was dragging him inside, then, some hours later (after a presumed raping), tossing him out w/ the trash.

Now the african american version


since when did “dragons” turn into “dinosaurs”? lol I heart being atheist…it pisses people off.

bump, because my girlfriend brought home one that someone gave her at her work today, its pretty awesome

my favorite parts are the “indians” that speak perfect english (also, no mention of the slaughter that ensued later on as a result of european settlers) and by far, my FAVORITE, the stereotyping of dirty, filthy homosexual men


Ugh I found some of these when I was younger at some boonie market…

Squanto actually did speak perfect english, he was kidnapped as a child by some english fisherman to be traded as a slave to spain but he escaped to England and lived there for years before returning home. I caught that on history channel yesterday.

bump for the new android app!!