There seem to be more and more people into about a monthly contest?

If I have time I’ll take something tonight for shits. I have to do some stuff for a contest at work anyhow.

yeah man i agree, im just learning that my camera is not just point and shoot, so much can be done with it to make my pics look so much better.

in for the next competition.

i need to get a new camera seeing as my new one AND old one were just stolen.


shit i forgot about this…

i’ll see if i can get something before the end of the month.

hurry up and get 'er done!

there are some damn good photographers up in herrrr…
I’m pretty excited to see what this contest produces


submission sent :slight_smile:

Got it :tup:

imo we should stick to car photography contests… just have a new one each month and in the end maybe vote for the best of the year… alot easier taking pics of cars and things we love than random crap like water? LoL

and it appears I am too late, damnit.

Nah, that would get boring real fast.

I’m going to post them up tomorrow when I get to work, anyone that can get it in by tomorrow 8am, I’ll enter them.

my submission was pretty bad but I just happened to have it on my pc from a few weeks ago.

i’m excited to see what everyone else came up with.

k, go vote!

whats this months topic?

Winner of last months gets to pick, so we don’t know yet.