yeah but even mitsubishi’s TV’s suck haha :tounge:
the point of my argument is not to say that honda is the end all be all of the industry, but to illustrate the fact that the technology they have is so vast that it should be no surprise that they are climbing atop the top sellers of the nation. Everyone will have their opinions til the day they die even though most are ignorantly close minded. There are many cars i like but i just realistically cannot see me wanting to own, however i give them their due respect as cars and it being the owners choice, i don’t bash them just because of what they drive, which is what gets me so fired up about people shit talking hondas. For example, Personally, i love c5 and c6 corvettes, price aside i would never own one because it’s just not my cup of tea. However i give respect where it is due.
That is the difference between the way i see things and the way your stereotypical 80’s f-body owner see’s things (again not pointing fingers at anyone, just making a hypothetical point)…“ya fawk dem hondas they have no torque”
that’s great and all, i have no torque…i guess i’ll just go hang out with everyone else that only has to make 300whp to go 11’s.
But all honda owners who are same rough stereotype as i made above, that doesn’t exempt them either, they are still fuckheads.