Theres a new name atop the big 3 manufacturers

Sounds a lot like any 5 year old Honda to me…LOL
Seriously, i do agree with a lot of what you said in your post. I know the longevity of A1 and A2 VW’s, i have owned a fair number of them myself, and still do. But looking at TODAYS cars, or even the last 10 years cars, the domestics have made HUGE strides in quality and durability. You mention Fords trannies, yet i had 2 Honda trannies that needed replaced before 50K. Not to mention chewing up front brake pads every 15K miles. Plus they seem to rust away faster than most any other car. The perfect machine has not been built yet, but i like the direction i see the automakers going, and i mean ALL of them. We are the winners, because we get cars that are faster, more economical AND more reliable.