Things are getting better...

they pay a transaction fee when you use credit, so since they are making so little profit on gas anyways they want you to use cash if possible

no there is no official hard freeze right now. and by the looks of it there will be layoffs they are talk about offer people with 25+years in, the option of retiring with no penalties instead of waiting until they’re actual retirement date, also talks of seasonal and hourly(temp) employees

dude, the deputy comissioner told me what i said. idk what your source is, but he sits like 10 feet from me man. there IS a hard freeze on right now. theres vacancies but theyre staying vacant because every dollar theyre not paying for a salary for that vacancy is going back into the state. theyre “doing more with less” right now. believe me, i know. i was at the conference yesterday where they talked about this.

I heard the gov. say there was a hard freeze in place on 810 i think yesterday.

there is one as of yesterday

i got a hard freeze goin on my self right now

standing infront of the mirror, tuckin it, going “would you fuck me? i’d fuck me. i’d fuck me hard”

silence of the lambs reference there, if u didnt catch it

Any news in the state employee sector?

I hear they might be cutting temps pay to minimum wage…any truth behind this?

no talk of that yet. theyre going to lay ppl off as a last resort tactic. so nothing as of now

this is how it will go

  • offer a nice incentive deal for people to retire
  • cancel the most recent promotions
  • fire people

There are a TON of people close to retirement, so I’m sure thats the only step needed, but we’ll see.

retirement incentive would be nice. theres ppl around my office that can retire perfectly fine like tomorow.

the promotions thing, idk man. im not sure how I feel about that. my take is they need to be done when its due. i recently took over the duties of a person that retired. so now Im mainly in my cube and i roll into the cube next to mine and use that other computer and do that person’s job as well as mine. im still getting my job rate. i understand with the saving money for the state and all, but doesnt it make sense to bump me up? or at least get me to halfway point of mine and that persons salary, since im doing that job as well?

firing people? i dunno about that one. what i think needs to be done is switch from contractors to state employees. i cant really divulge specifics, but ill just say this: its cheaper to have state people than contractors doing the same tasks by 40% on average. im not gonna say how i got that number, because i dont want to get fired, so just go with me on this one, guys.


do you work at the state? It sounds like you don’t. Every job has a grade, there are no “in between” grades… you are either one or the other. It’s tough for you to understand if you don’t know how the state works (I use that term lightly). I completely disagree with you. Taking back a few promotions would save a few jobs, so yeah it makes complete sense to bump you back if they have to.

again, you are completely wrong. Consultants/contractors do NOT cost the state more money. If they did then why are there sooo many? Benefits and retirement cost the state a fortune and they don’t have to worry about that with consultants. You can’t simply compare wages and make a judgement.

these are the same steps that happen every time they go through cut-backs… not sure why you doubt them so strongly.

ive seen the numbers on both for the same job duties. BIG difference there man, BIG

i know about grades and all that jazz, im not saying take an average of the two salaries and throw a number at me. im saying get me to a point thats about halfway. if that means grade 18, okay, if it means 12, whatever the number is. i cant expect a HUGE increase because I havent been with the agency for like 30+ years like that person, but like, come on. i’m doing both, ya know?

no man, you are wrong. Then explain why they even hire consultants? If it’s cheaper to have regular state employees to do the job then why don’t they just do that? eh? My department and every other department I’ve see has actually been majority consultants. Explain me that.

you may know about the grades, but you obviously don’t know how they work. Every position has a grade and it’s own promotion scale. If you were a grade 18 IT specialist 2 then when you get promoted you’d become a 23. There are no inbetweens there for that position. You can’t get bumped to a 20 and become an IT specialist 2.5 or some bs. Everything is very structured (thank the unions) and it cannot be varied.

because hes part of the red militia.

the state to contractor employee ratio varies with govt change

you are avoiding the question… :nono

4.13 for premi here in Jersey… 3.85 for regular :wtf I paid 4.37 at the cheapest station in Hess last week when I filled up my car. Hopefully they come down and STAY DOWN.

it needs to go down to 2.50 for premuim before im even close to happy. it was 2.50 last summer, and that was exspensive but ok, now I dont like driving anywhere I dont have to cause it cost so much more.

$3.77 :ninja