Things aren't looking good for sprint...

May 1 (Bloomberg) – Sprint Nextel Corp., the U.S. wireless company that lost more than a million contract customers last year, had its credit rating cut to junk by Standard & Poor’s.

The carrier’s corporate credit and senior unsecured debt ratings were lowered two levels to BB from BBB- because of its deteriorating operating performance, S&P said today in a statement.

Sprint lost $29.6 billion last year as customers moved their business to larger rivals AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wireless.

edit: i’m waiting to see their Q1 reports…

ohhh noooo … i like sprint

I don’t know why I still have Sprint. Well. One reason is because the service is better than AT+T.

Maybe before AT&T and Cingular merged but definitely not now.

regardless of who you use, if sprint closes its doors that will not be good.

Meh, it will probably just result in a merger of some sort I’d imagine. Followed by a ton of I hate Verizon/AT&T posts.

Damn I’ve had sprint since phones had black and white screens…

the only reason i stick with sprint is cheap data rates…their phone selection is VERY poor

x2 love my treo on the sero plan. its like $50 a month unlimited everything :frowning:

sprint better pull around

I’ll miss my $37 bill

WTF I want a $37 bill! I’m paying 60! How you do dis?:eyebrow:

My star-tac owned all cell phones D:

I have a 50 bill for 3 lines now… free text ,free interweb ,and a 10credit each line i add…

competition is good. sprint dying is bad for the industry. and say goodbye to wimax ever coming around, that was a cool idea

i like text to land line :gotme:



Verizon>* IMO

I should put up a scan of my $27.20 monthly sprint bill.

30 dollar sero plan with a 28 percent corporate discount.

They sent me a free phone and 150 dollars to sign a two year contract well over 3 years ago.

Funny this thread came up now, I was just talking to my bro the other day and was like "y’know… I don’t know anyone that likes Sprint…

Hell… I can’t even think of anyone I know anymore that uses Sprint!"

I just want sprint to lose more customers before they beg us (Verizon) to buy them out. That way I can keep getting all these port-ins that I get.

unlimited data FTW…thats why i’m with em