Things that suck v. Elise [Now with daytime pics]

The kid was really nice about everything. He was just following too closely and made a mistake.

He was driving a 240. There were probably 60 cars in the cruise. He hit the most expensive one to repair. This included 2 GTRs. It was shit luck on his part.

The last thing he said was “i’m sorry man. also, i just want to tell you that I’ve been following your BMW thread on zilvia like every day.”


seems like a nice kid, just made a dumb mistake…

sucks man. sorry to hear.

sounds like something that would happen to me(rearend an expensive car on accident)

Damn man. Least you and him are okay. :frowning:

Dude, that Z video is nuts. You chase the fucker down?

Yeah the kid was quite upset for a while there but there isn’t anything anyone can do about it now.

And I’m 90% sure the driver of the truck that hit my Z does not have a license anymore. 4 Month before hitting me, he went through the living room of a house.

The kid that hit you or his friend, not sure which, just sent me a pm being very apologetic about the incident.

he was asking permission to show up at the next meet and though that he might be banned.

at first when josh called me i thought someone slid and hit the Elise, which would have been instant ban. They’re good kids, just have to make sure they dont drive in the cruise next time.

we shouldk make the kid a shirt for the next meet… like a plain white tee and let Newman write on it and his punishiment will be he will have ot walk around with whatever newman wants on the kids chest… embarass the shit out of him…lol


The shirt idea rules and I also feel bad for the kid, It’s not like he was doing anything dumb.

And if they do ever drive in a cruise again, have orange flags and a light bar on the roof.

haha, i’m sure it ruined his weekend enough already :slight_smile:

that’s cool that he did that. sounds like a standup kid :tup:

The kid said they decided to go right home afterwards and it was total silence the car the the whole hour+ on the way home.

He basically rear-ended his idol…


as reluctant as i am to do this… this picture has just surfaced.

I think I love the look on bing’s face.

Like a fat kid looking at cake.

AHAHAHAH That’s great!

BTW Bing, you never called me back… terd.


msn me what your schedule is this week. i have to figure out when the wife is closing… hey, lets have a totally seperate public conversation in this thread.

how was your day? what did you eat for breakfast?

ominous fucking season… wow

…sucks newman, have it fixed properly and sell it asap.

not gonna look good on carfax.

white boys go wow he’s my idol

black boys say dude holdin the title

If its possible, I’d take the kid to the cleaners.Then i’d buy a carbon fiber clam shell and call it a day. :stuck_out_tongue:

I read the thread title and thought it was just some new pics of the elise :gotme: Jk :smiley: That sucks man, but if you get it in the right hands it can be fixed good as new.

sorry to hear about this little accident, hope that you get it looking good again.


Why fix it and sell it? This is not a major repair. It’s a costly repair, but it’s not at the expense of the car’s integrity at all.