Umm Bush has nothing to do with the gas prices. That is a consumer product. It goes by supply and demand. It is determined by the national regulatory commition, Bush has nothing to do with that. Ignorance is bliss. The reason we were so good under clinton is becuase he cut military spending, he did nothing. He rode to .com wave and got bjs all day. If I am wrong, then tell me what he did to make us in the “surplus”. Everybody loves to say he was great for it but when asked how they are mute as a stone. so would you rahter have a president that actually does something, or one that sits there and “looks cool”. And what about the bomings that happened under Clinton. the U.S.S. Cole and plenty other terrorist attacks. He again did nothing. Also, he had Bin Laden in custody multipal times, and said each time he is not a threat… yeah, he was amazing.