i dont think so, i would be like the super bowl every one will watch it.
kind of like religion?
Umm Bush has nothing to do with the gas prices. That is a consumer product. It goes by supply and demand. It is determined by the national regulatory commition, Bush has nothing to do with that. Ignorance is bliss. The reason we were so good under clinton is becuase he cut military spending, he did nothing. He rode to .com wave and got bjs all day. If I am wrong, then tell me what he did to make us in the “surplus”. Everybody loves to say he was great for it but when asked how they are mute as a stone. so would you rahter have a president that actually does something, or one that sits there and “looks cool”. And what about the bomings that happened under Clinton. the U.S.S. Cole and plenty other terrorist attacks. He again did nothing. Also, he had Bin Laden in custody multipal times, and said each time he is not a threat… yeah, he was amazing.
Its called sarcasm. Go touch a little girl.
OMGthay whear towels on there heads. and farm sand lol lol. bush I know he is fighting one of our not so friendlies. the only reasun i lyke bush is bceuase he dosnt kill babys for sceince.
You can’t hold somebody who didn’t do anything, and wasn’t known to be up to something. :bloated:
“Ummm, well. Even though you’re 13…i’m still going to give you a speeding ticket…because well… YOU MIGHT have one, in a few years”
He created a surplus by not spending over 3 billion on a war that cause MORE termoil in the middle east, disrupting oil supplies and creating unease in the market, causing oil prices to rise out of control. He did not give tax cuts for the wealthiest %5 either.
wow…just…wow. Beck, sometimes I really think you are one load that should have been swallowed. shouldnt you be out checking out girls at kids r us or something?
holy fuck jeg made a joke about me molesting children! no way!
molesting children > listening to disturbed
But was the gas prices so high when Cliton in office? i don think so?
was there as many wars and drama ( besides the whole monica thing ) when he was in office?
Bush was an alright president when he was first in office, but now he has to much on his plate and does not know what to do. If he were to get into a debate w/ the Iran president you know he would get pwned. He is no good at debates which is very embarrassing for the American people . Since he is our president.
Sooo again, what exactly did he do besides not pay the bills? you did not answer my question, you mearly shifted the blame.
You really need to pay attention in school if You think that the president of the United States doesnt have ANY EFFECT on the oil markets.
I agree with you alot on this. I am not a Bush leg humper…there are many things I do not agree with as well. But for the most part I support him.
This is a bad idea. Agreeing to debate Iran would be like playing tug-of-war with your dog: The people who support the activity don’t understand that it’s challenging dominance. Iran is threatening the world with nuclear weapons and the world’s dominant superpower/peace-keeper is going to agree to take part in their challenge?? NO! The US with the UN’s support says that Iran cannot produce nuclear weapons! Iran submits and does not produce Nuclear weapons! Fin! Done! No negotiating! No debates!
i did not say he doesnt have any effect i said he does not control it. \
Beck…go ahead an make fun of me for risking my life to save other poeple, and for no personal gein but to see them live. thats an awsome retort.
I saw a tshirt with bush riding a missile that said “freedom” and said we are going to free the shit out of you. I want it but now I cant find it anywhere.