Think Bush will debate?

No. If you really want to know why the economy took off, its because Clinton and his economic team, starting with Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Bentsen, were geniuses. When they first got into office, they raised taxes on the rich and cut spending, as opposed to bush who did the opposite on both counts. They knew that paying down the debt causes the bond market, which i should note is bigger than the stock market, to take off. The rich people that were paying a bit more in taxes were also making a shitload more on their investments, and everything took off. They spent/invested the extra money, everything boomed, everyone was happy. A little tax raise primes the pump and everyone makes more money.

Fast forward to 2000.

Bush decides to increase spending x5273562985, and lower taxes, mainly on corporations and rich people. This sends the debt through the roof, and makes the government borrow a lot more. more government borrowing is very bad. This fucks up the bond market, which fucks up the stock market and causes unemployment to rise, and means that the government is now spending money on interest that they should be spending on services. To make matters worse, bush tells the international community to go fuck themselves, so everybody hates us. All the political capital we got from clinton = out the window. Now we’re spending billions and billions on killing the same people we got pissed at saddam for killing. sweet.

they don’t teach advanced economic theory in math 92 :stuck_out_tongue:

cliff notes: Doing something right (clinton) > doing nothing > doing something wrong (bush)