Holy crap, good to hear from you! Hope all is well!
I definitely want to get started with a new language, my wife is very good with French because she has been doing it for a really long time since elementary school and spent a few month over there as well. I also hope that we will be able to teach our daughter how to speak as well.
I’m hoping that the more advice I get from bi/multi-lingual friends, the easier it will be for me to at least comprehend how to get over some hurdles in learning. I would like to move on to an additional language as well at some point, but we all have to start somewhere! Only having known pretty much one language my entire life, it’s a mind boggling issue to call something by a different name that isn’t English! It’s really something that took me some time to comprehend. Then on top of that to be able to actually use both (or many) languages on command is a crazy concept as well!
I spoke with one of my friends last night regarding his experience and it seems the translation never really stops, but fades out to only apply when things become more difficult to explain/translate. There’s always a translational gap as you guys have mentioned.
I’ll have to start getting my ass in gear with getting the proper material to learn. It looks like it will be a longer road now because I am most definitely tied down here with everything that is going on in our life now.