this cat just broke in my house

hahah seriously this cat just broke into my house and had a nasty ass fight with my cat and now there is fuckin blood all over the steps and the floor and shit and i dont know if that lil asshole ran outside or what cant find him

my cat LOOKS ok i think… idk its alot of blood so i dont think its from my cat

fucked up there is some chunks too

You may want to rethink the locks and knobs on your doors

dont your kind eat that shit go catch it fucker ;D

um check that shit for rabies…there’s some shit going around about a cat last week caught and killed that had rabies…not joking around here


it fuckin busted through the sliding screen door like some steriod mother fucker i was up here on the pc typing a post and i heard this and then they were goin nuts i was like W T F go down there and cat was gone

the screen was in good shape too

I heard the rabies thing on the news too… aggressive animals should be reported

he was lookin for some pussy :nod

haha well he found it, my cat is a female too, and that cat looks male, hes been around here homeless for liek 2 years now i think, really, REALLY fuckin annoying too

need suttin to handle the prob?

Get Bob Barker over there

idk what the deal is but i’ll check it out, might have to take the cat to the vet and see wats goin on as far as rabies and shit go

HAHAH that bob barker video is great

Yeah rabies is nasty. I’ve seen and shot plenty of infected animals up here in the past to know it’s nothing to screw around with. Catch it in time and there’s no worry for your cat, just medicine injections.

… il be over with my 12 guage

damn guess i have to go there tomorrow i dont want my cat to fuckin eat me while im sleeping

I took my dog for a walk a little while ago and a cat ran up to him and sniffed his ass.

hahaha nice

could only happen to you Singh

yea i guess so

idk why but LOLing