Here are some pics of my broken cat after he gave my daughter 4 or 5 stitches in her lip. Almost feel bad for him -
full leg cast compliments of the vet

Here are some pics of my broken cat after he gave my daughter 4 or 5 stitches in her lip. Almost feel bad for him -
You broke its legs?
something like that
holy shit!!! that might be border line animal cruelty someone might wanna delete this lol before some tree hugger finds out then your !&$#@*
i got a similar story about my lil cousin that is 3 yrs old, killed one of my lil sisters kittens out in the yard with a wiffle ball bat because he said it scratched him lol guess he showed that pussy
have to assume the casts are from a de-clawing…
I’m not a fan of cats… but still to imply you broke it’s legs… that’s kinda wrong
Thats absolutely disgusting. I would never hurt an animal even if out of anger. If the cat attacked your daughter wouldnt the solution be to get rid of the cat?
i really hope this isnt serious
e-mail link to animal freinds
hahaha thats funny as hell, all that think it isn’t are tight asses, he’s not serious. Cats can be bastards lol, one time mine hooked onto my ear, bit my lip and proceeded to be drop kicked off the deck. landed on it’s feet too, and hasn’t fucked with me since
i thought u were the animal lover, by all means i am not a fan of cats at all, but are u seriosuly braggin and psotsing pics to breaking a cats legs, if so your lame
I hate cats. I would’ve just gotten rid of it.
haha, j/k. both cats were declawed on wednesday and Tyson(the large orange one) is 4 years old and wouldn’t stop bleeding. He goes to get his bandages off tmrw hopefully all is well. The kitten(7mos) did fine and came home w/ out stiches. I do love animals and have taken part in many animal rescues.
good. i was mad.
oh on we wouldn’t want that now would we
LOL…they def can be bastards. Tyson weights about half as much as my daughter so they get rowdy. He scratched her probably out of instinct if she laid on him to hard or something. A thought of bringing out the 12 gauge pump was definitely on my mind before going to Childrens Hospital though…he escaped even without a smack b/c I was in a hurry LOL, I thought about it and figured since he is so old he would be in enough pain from being declawed and he is being pampered as we speak.
True, I was all about a 7 cent bullet!
blah i hate cats…
sucks that it scratched your kid…but its good that its now declawed… i think every cat should be declawed… they are nasty creatures
if any animal would attack my kids, it would be buried in the backyard!