wheat is domestic rice…
Like Uncle Ben . LOL
no, uncle ben serves rice, not wheat
more like this
i have a diamond back… ill bring that. ross > west view…
ill be down…would like to be in the wrx but most likely the trans am
wayne im going to start calling you prugar… lt1 and wrx.
dude thats an insult hahaha
fuck the pittspeed censors… i was tryin to keep noobs fucks from comin…
they’re showing pens first game is Friday at 7pm at home
ooooooohhhhhhhh i get it
Although I’m a “noob” here, where’s this meet going to be at. I know it’s the “stadiums”, but which one. Sorry if I sound clueless, just want to attend.
General Robinson… between the two stadiums
I’ll follow you down .
pitt stadium right by robinson st in upper oakland…
hahaha. Not sure if I am going or not yet.
Pens game then Pittspeed Flood? yes please.
yeah that was my plan to watch the pens kick some ass then head down you gonna be up at the arena watchin it starboy maybe we can meet up up there
stadiums is closed tmw… construction work
Time to flood Smallman St.!
FLOOD THE STRIP DISTRICT! First stop is going to be 28th street bridge… then cruise through the strip onto the stadiums. Wherever people are we will end up.