THIS FRIDAY (4/30) Stadiums. 10PM

there was definately a drought tonight. Had a decent showing. The megaphone was sick :0

The megaphone will return.

please forgive OG master of the interweb, its just as i bow down before your almighty gayness, it is hard to realize your true height…

oh it shall

yeah i rolled through the mile and then down to 28th and the strip round 930 but couldnt find anyone where was everyone i was expectin mad heads down there guess shoot for next week end

everyone was at the stadiums

Did you miss the boat also? Title of thrread says 10pm. After pens game, damm noobs.

how many people showed?

This event sounded gay as fuck so i did not attend. Stadiums = rice magnet.


Please note:

This is the same guy who made the thread and stated 10PM… It’s like showing up early to your birthday party and wondering why no one is there :doh:

i look forward to getting deep toned again

your talking into the wrong end again


we must give drunk chad the mic everytime


you fag

wtf i thought it was 28th or strip thats prob why i didnt find anyone i need to get some ppls phone #s so i can hit ppl up to find out for sure where shit is goin down ill post a thread

well now that i read my post i realize i got my places mixed up i was at mile at 930 then down the burgh but still in the wrong place cuz i thought we agreed on 28th so it really wouldnt matter wat time i arrived

why were u fuckin with that kid? hes an ok guy…he bought a v6…so fuckin what…