This had to focking hurt really bad

WOW :eek:

removed due to it changed to a porn link :rolleyes:


Why the hell was he hanging out of a moving vehicle… sorry don’t feel bad for him.

lights out motherfucker

he was tryin to grab the kid on the bike i think

So now he’s in the hospital… probably with a fractured skull… still a dumb ass

He was trying to hit the kid on the bike with the door. The kid hung on to the door and he got hit by an oncoming car.

on coming car? it was parked.

No it really wasn’t. Pause the video when its in slow motion and you can see a woman driving the car.

dude…its fucking midget porn!!! wtf shaggy!!!

no video comes up wheni click on it

i found the video!!! dude that had to fuckin hurt big time!!! i want to see what he looks like

no… it really was parked.


Thanks blue4 :cool:

Holy Sh!t…I wouldn’t be surprised if did not survive …in fact, if it was a moving car, I don’t see how he could of lived…his head had to be mush.

He did not survive, it was on explaining what happend.

Thought you guys may want to read this.

BTW yes the car was parked. I take back my original statement.

so he did survive? ogrish is getting the link :slight_smile:

:dunno: Apparently…I don’t know what to believe on the internet anymore… :dunno:

:rofl: i was thinking the same thing :boink