LOL. It was verryy difficult to have sex with that… very difficult. I’ll just leave it at that. But no, wrong girl. This was when I lived in Amsterdam.
Disagree… usually they have friends that are nailable…nothing makes a moving target still like a friend referring to you as Dr. “O”. Always contenplate return on investment. If you took the time to land the ho, why not take the crumbs off the table later too.
I dunno man… different situations / perspectives. Girls are effed in the head… if their friend says you’re the biggest asshole in the world and lasted 2min in the sack… the fact that they said you were the BIGGEST ASSHOLE in the world would attract her friends to you. If this girl just talks up about how big of a jerk you are, it actually discredits the whole sucks in the sack thing. And every girl thinks they can be THAT girl that changes the asshole because every girl thinks they’re awesome, they have the best tits, tightest vaginas, and nicest ass. Girls are fucked up… its that simple.