This is not the DROID you are looking for.......move along

Please tell me what the iPhone does better (and when I say better, I don’t mean loads 1 second faster - I’m talking about stuff that COMPLETELY sets it apart from the Pre). It’s the same principle on both phones. They are both very similar. They both have many of the same apps, both have pretty much the same speeds, etc. I’m not bashing the iPhone. It’s a leader in the market for a reason. BUT, people have to give other phones their due as well because the iPhone is NOT ALONE in that market segment (top phones) anymore. BB, Palm, Droid. They are all in there.

And it’s not my fault you have fat fingers/hands :rofl. Nor is it Palms. I have no issues with the keyboard (and my hands aren’t exactly small). I type on it almost as fast as I type on a regular keyboard. Also, I have the on-screen keyboard for the Pre (you reading Mafdark? It’s one of the tweaks you can install). THAT sucks. The physical one is 1000x better.

I’ve had homebrew on my first two phones but didn’t bother installing it again on this third one (why bother none of the homebrew apps are any good either)

No, I’ve never dropped the phone nor got it wet.

Well I don’t know what to tell you. The only app that I really want which isn’t available yet is the call/text blocker. Everything else I’ve wanted I have found.

And physically/hardware wise I have NO issues. Speaker works. Keyboard is fine. Oreo affect is minimal. Charges all the time (when plugged in). Touchstone works perfectly. No screen issues.

Don’t know what to tell you. If I had to buy a smart phone again, it would be between the 3GS and the Pre and I’d probably get the Pre again (used a friends 3GS at work, it’s nice, but I like the size/feel of me Pre better). I had a ‘chocolate bar’ phone (Samsung Instinct - which was a BIG POS). Not a fan of them.

lets break it down again…

no video recording,
no copy and paste (except for what you have already typed WTF),
8gb of memory,
NO NOTIFICATIONS how the hell can you make a phone that doesn’t make you aware of a missed call,
can’t make the screen dim enough,
can’t make the speaker loud enough (and they just lowered the top volume because the speakers keep breaking),
sprint turn by turn is AWFUL,
no facebook app,
no voice recorder,
no voice activated anything,
battery life that is sub 24 hours,
once the battery dies, the phone needs to be plugged in 5-10 minutes before it will begin its boot up (another 2 minutes)
no visual voicemail,
shitty signal (given for sprint),
awful spell checker/autocorrect,
can’t plug it into a car radio and use controls to change the songs (even if it did you would need a second cable to charge it),
no fun apps (dynolicous)
existing apps are lacking (trapster doesnt work, pandora is lacking key features)

on top of the fact that my first phone had the headphone jack break and the speaker blown, second phone’s GPS didn’t work, and now my third phone’s speaker blew the very first time I turned out the speaker phone.

The thing is a joke, I don’t understand how you can defend it so enthusiastically

There we go, now we can have a proper comparison.

I haven’t used it, so I wasn’t aware of the differences.

Thank you!

I did hate my old Palm though. :ahh

Speaker BLOWS on the iPhone. :frowning:

On the pre they just capped the volume lower with the new update… now the vibrate is more audible than the notification noise.

Responses in bold.

You may be able to spell, but you sure as shit can’t do math if you think 8am-10pm is more than 24 hours.

Haha. Good point. I owned myself. Corrected.

Can the iPhone, with everything running (WiFi, BT, actively texting/calling/using phone), run for 24hrs?

That’s not enough for you? What on earth do you put on your phone? Full DVD movies?
I would like to put my music on it and still have room for apps, otherwise I’d have to carry around two different devices (phone and ipod) the point of a smartphone is to combine all those gadgets

battery life that is sub 24 hours - Incorrect. If you have WiFi, BT, and a bunch of stuff running CONSTANTLY (dumb) then yes. The iPhone runs one app at a time plus stuff like WiFi right? That’s why it’s battery is better. I usually leave home at 8am and don’t put the phone on the charger till 10pm without issue. That’s MORE than 24hrs.

I fully charged my phone again today by 1pm. I have not called anyone, nor surfed the internet. My battery now reads 49% not to mention the fact that the phone shuts down when it gives the 10% warning

shitty signal (given for sprint) - I don’t have any issues and I live in Selkirk (middle of nowhere)

it only works in the middle of no where, its a fact that sprint has the higher frequency which means if your in a car or inside a building you lose 2 bars, if your in a cement building your fucked

existing apps are lacking (trapster doesnt work, pandora is lacking key features) - What doesn’t work on Trapster? Pandora makes playlists and recommends other songs. What’s missing?

Let me write in some of the reviews from the app catalog:

"too bad my phone STILL won’t let me install or upgrade apps because of the app limit (even w/the patch applied) "

“still needs lots of work before it becomes usefull. my major problem is that the traps will follow you around the edge of the screen after you pass”

“this app needs some adjustments!! it would be better if it worked with the navigatino app”

“crap…unless youre looing for a title/startup screen then its great app doesn’t start”

“hard to drive and manuall move the screen to follow your path. no audible alerts, was really looking forward to using this app only app in the catalog so far that I would have paid for”

as far as pandora, why can’t I “add variety” “create a station” “name the station” “delete the station” “share the station” or “move the song to another station” like I can online?

NO NOTIFICATIONS how the hell can you make a phone that doesn’t make you aware of a missed call - Your phone is broken. I get notifications for everything new email, new text, new VM, missed call, battery life, unable to make data connection (service), etc.

when you say notification you mean pop up on the screen, I mean a noise or a vibration so if I don’t hear it the first time (because the speaker sucks ass) I might be reminded that someone had called me or sent me a message that I had missed. ALL phones have that feature

and to sum up the rest, you admit that all of this sucks:

-no video recording - Okay. Still possible it’ll be an update.

-no copy and paste (except for what you have already typed WTF) - Partially correct. Only place I found I can’t copy and paste from is webpages. Emails, texts, etc. work fine.

-no facebook app - Probably coming

-no voice recorder - Again, still expecting this to be in an update eventually. How long did it take for the iPhone to get some features similar to this? Didn’t the iPhone just get camera this summer?

-no voice activated anything - Okay. I’ll give you that one. But I never used that stuff anyway, so for ME, it’s no big deal.

-once the battery dies, the phone needs to be plugged in 5-10 minutes before it will begin its boot up (another 2 minutes) - Correct. I don’t like that either.

-no visual voicemail - Correct. I don’t like that either.

-awful spell checker/autocorrect - I don’t find any problems with it. But then again, I know how to spell so I have no need for it.

-no fun apps (dynolicous) - Personal preference. Put in a request in homebrew.

Still don’t get how your battery is so bad yet mine isn’t.

You should sell it and get an iPhone so you can be a happy camper in the mobile world. Evidently, you are extremely hard to please. Either that, or you thought you were buying an Apple Pre. I have not found any issues with any of the apps I use (I don’t actively use Trapster, I just submit points to it), nor with my phone (hardware wise).

And stop with the whole “the iphone didn’t even get that until this summer” excuses.

That’s an awful justification for having an inferior product which palm claimed would be competitive with that product. What’s the point if they’re only going to sell a product that would be have been sub-par even when compared with technology released over a year ago.

I am not hard to please whatsoever. I demand for the good that I buy with my hard earned money to work as advertised. Unfortunately I’m tied into a 2 year contract so I guess my only option is to warn everyone else of the problems with the device and service so they don’t get jammed up the same way I did.

So how do you explain my lack of issues? One in a million case? I must have the best Palm Pre on planet earth.

Your issue is you expected to get a direct copy of an iPhone with Palm branding on it. At least that’s what it seems like. Every phone has it’s pro’s and con’s. That is a given.

Again, to state my point.

This isn’t iPhone vs Palm Pre. I only replied because you were bashing the phone I have. Doesn’t change my initial point in this thread.

It’s iPhone vs Other Smartphones.

And that opinion is the following: the iPhone is no longer the clear cut king of such devices. Many phones do the same things better or do other things better. Again, they all have pro’s and con’s. Is the Palm Pre #1? No. But I’m very happy with it. Is the Droid #1? Don’t know, but I’m sure it’s going to do things the iPhone only wishes of doing.

If you want iPhone features so bad, take the hit and get an iPhone and die in pure blissfulness. I’m sure you can sell that phone for a small loss.

What Im trying to figure out is that Pre AT BEST just matches the iPhone on all but the keyboard. So given the choice why pick pre?

Looks better and feels better in my hand. Personal opinion though. And I like the cards feature. Makes adding calendar entries from email (have them open side by side) quite easy, for example.

I had a chocolate bar style phone (Instinct). It got old after a while. Too big and too rectangular. The Pre just slides in my pocket and doesn’t bother me when it’s in there.

Fair enough

Due to the fact that these problems are well documented on many different websites including palm’s own support forums…

…I’d have to say that you are blind to the problems due to your enthusiasm for the brand, ironically an accusation more commonly made to Apple fans.

As a technical person, I will say this again.

My phone has ZERO problems. Quote support tickets all you want. My phone has ZERO problems.

Did I mention that my phone has ZERO problems?


It’s not as if the iPhone doesn’t have any notable problems. Again, you’re the one who’s possibly blinded here. All you see is iPhone. Do you dream about it? :rofl

Also, a lot of those things in those sites (stuff people want) like the link…can be done via the tweaks found in the Homebrew section (via Preware/WebOS Quick Installer). Not my fault the dude is an idiot (the poster) and doesn’t know how to use google/technology.