this is why you cant ever be to carefull
i know its kinda old but holy fuck i feel for this guy

Holy Shit.

jesus what are 240’s made of toothpicks?

thing buckled like a coke can.

45mph plus what ever the Astro van was driving prob 15 mph. 100kph front hit… i say it worked the way it should have.

Thats brutal but. he wasnt wearing a seat belt if he was it could have went alot better for him. As for the car it crumbled like it should have and the 240 saved his life.

The front is the only thing that can save us…sides were screwed

only good thing about the post it happened on my birthday… well posted on my birthday

I am glad i live in Canada!! you see the hospital bills!! if you cant afford health insurance your getting fucked in the States!!

car did its job.
energy was dispersed on the outside of the vehicle hence the buckling.

was just about to say the front end of all cars are usually designed to buckle now they have drop out engine mounts to so ya 240 did its job

he should have had taurus brakes


This is a prime example of how one can benefit from having a roll cage to keep the car from caving in around you.

I know AnDrEw got into a bad accident which wrote off his S13 and if it wasn’t for the front section of the cage etc… he would have broken his legs!

Unibody’s are designed that way, to crumple and absorb the impact… so the person inside doesn’t take as much damage… the structure does.

For the speed and type of impact I would say the 240 did a very good job, the driver is alive.

^^ he put himself more at risk by not wearing his seat belt

If the car had a roll cage in this accident with the driver not wearing a seatbelt, i bet he would be dead. The car would not have been in as bad shape but that being said thats less kinetic energy that the car would be dispersing and more the driver would have taken. IE He would have hit the front of the car even harder. The 240 saved his life.

Sorry, I missed the part about him not wearing a seat belt. In regards to the kinetic energy thou, think of all the race car drivers who crash badly yet walk away without any internal injuries. The car still absorbs the energy with or without the cage. The cage simply keeps the car from caving in around the driver. All the panels and metal etc… still flex, crinkle and tweak, therefor, absorbing the energy. If the car was completely solid then sure, the driver will take it all.

why is it that everytime i hear about anything like this, the driver wasn’t wearing a seatbelt?! pisses me off that people even bother driving anywhere without a fukin seatbelt.

there’s a difference between swapping cars in/out of your garage without one, but dont even talk about driving at 70kph…
a lot of the damager he suffered (HEAD and ELBOW mainly) could have easily been avoided or at least been much less painful. i mean, it sucks when people cut you off and other thing that you are not in control of, so i feel for his bad luck, but for fucks sake, wear the damn belt

The ENTIRE car shouldn’t absorb the impact, the front or back should. Having the cabin crumple is actually kinda bad. That means it’s shrinking, and you’re going to hit the steering wheel and dash. That turns into broken bones and pinching.

What’s really fucked up is that US cars all have auto belts.

He wither disabled them or took it of before driving Fucking alabama. Goes out to buy the biggest truck he can find afterwards with a push bar. Fucking hicks that go out of their way to disable a seat belt.