This Just In, KFC Bad For You!!!

It’s not even fully hydrogenated. It’s partially hydrogenated. They don’t actually know what they are making when they stop the reaction. It’s basically a mixture of similar molecules. Hydrogens added here, a double bond left there. la dee do dee da. Sometimes a double bond isn’t even in a natural position. Natural being lowest energy. This son of a bitch is bouncing around going me oh my I just want to be lower energy what can I do WHAT CAN I DO TO BE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. It’s really not a great situation to have.

What’s the problem with this? Well, bond angles mainly. You start screwing with your bond angles and reactions just don’t happen the same way. They are quicker, slower, or don’t happen at all.

The body doesn’t really know what to do with this crap. I’m willing it bet it has a little to do with EVOLUTION. The food industry has known for quite some time, but their argument is that it “tastes better.” Well, fine, but put it on your packaging.

Splenda really scares me. Sure Chlorine is natural in the body, but covalently bonded chlorine? Not really. But of course it’s “healthier.” Trans fats were considered healthier at one point as well…