This Just In, KFC Bad For You!!!

See it’s not about living a healthier lifestyle…it’s about being informed that what you are eating is NOT healthy. You and I know KFC isn’t healthy…and I know this is hard for you to understand…but there are people who do not know this.

I don’t really give a fuck either way…but the people who brought this claim against KFC would be happy with something like that.

you can NOT sue the federal government.

And like I said before, anybody that sues any restaurant for being unhealthy, or neglects to inform their customers that their food may be unhealthy, is stupid. OMFG, fast food isn’t good for you!


I think the lawyers who argued

Jefferson v. United States
Feres v. United States
Lewis v. United States
Hirabayashi v. United States
Rios v. United States
Korematsu v. United States

Would disagree…and that was just a google search for “v United States” I didn’t look to see what these were about, but I’d guess civil rights violations. Anyway, KFC would argue that the law was unconstitutional in some respect.

Shit California is suing the federal government

“When, then, can the government be sued, pursuant to the FTCA? Basically, the answer is this: when, through its actors, it implements a policy in a careless fashion.”

A case against the federal government can’t involve damages and is never heard infront of a jury.

Wow, this is actually a reasonably intelligent and calm debate on the intarweb. tee-up to you guys! :tup:

I guess where we disagree is that I feel that the restaurant’s responsibility ends at stating what is in their food and the consumer’s responsibility takes over thereafter. I would expect a restaurant to be honest in telling me what is in their food but thereafter, I decide what I eat so that I can choose the optimal combination of physical health and pleasurable indulgence for my life.

But a lot of people are irresponsible and thus ignorant and don’t want to make that decision for themselves. I just don’t think that restaurants should be held responsible for the general public’s ignorance and/or stupidity, especially not one individual business when there are many many that have trans-fats in their food.

F*cking a man. Well said. :tup: If that is what they choose to cook with should not be a matter for change. It should be stated not on a warning label, but in their nutritonal facts. And look at the switch that happend with McDonald’s 15 odd years ago. Their fries were sooo much better back then. It was just you ate it maybe once a month, now people eat that shit more and more each day. It’s a personal choice for them to use it because it makes it a better tasting product. The product isn’t better for you. Just my .02

well, you can, but you can’t expect to win. :stuck_out_tongue:

omg. do u want people to hold your hand and tell u when it’s safe to cross the street? do u want someone to tell you every time you walk outside that too much sunlight (UV) can cause cancer? if u live in buffalo, do u want to be informed every day that it would be much safer for you to be in amherst?

not saying this is YOU inparticular, but jesus. realize that sometimes people need to grow up, use a little bit of smarts, and think for themselves.

i’m sure even if they did have to individually label each item, the percentage of the people who look at it would be about 10, the percentage that read it about 4, the percentage that understand it about 2, and the percentage who give a fuck about .01. THEY’RE AT KFC. THEY KNOW ITS SHITTY IN COMPARISON.

people who bring these lawsuits should go help the poor or something if they want to make that big a difference. but they don’t - regardless of what the lawsuit is asking for - what they really want, is money.

Center for Science in the Public Interest :gotme:

they should donate their organs to science…but they’ll need a brain…:stuck_out_tongue:

Ah well, time for me to leave work. Good thing I’ve had a corned beef sitting in the crock pot all day. All this talk of unhealthy food has made me hungry.

I will leave this thread with the basis of my argument against this lawsuit:

If you don’t have enough innate survival instinct and/or shred of intelligence to automatically know that greasy chicken is bad for you, then Darwin for the mother fucking win!


We’re on the same page, and Joe will never be on the same page. That’s just a fact of our views on social responsibility. No amount of debate is going to change our core beliefs, so I’m done with it. Agree to disagree. That and it’s close enough to 5pm to leave, and go work on fixing my clutch line before the track day.

About a 1/3 of the american population is obese. About another 1/3 of the american population is overweight.

Does that answer your question?

^ hahaha

next KFC thread better involve a fat guy with a button down white shirt and green corduroys fighting a chicken.

it’s amazing to see what happens when Joe tries to explain things to people who just DON’T GET IT. people choose to eat the chicken. freedom. that’s good. they can eat however much they want and they can do whatever they want with their bodies. but it’s not just “greasy chicken” we’re talking about here. it’s the trans fat.

I’m just saying that it’s a good case and I hope they change the trans fatty oil for the sake of our arteries. if mcdonald’s and burger king can get in trouble for frying their fries in the same oil, why can’t KFC?

are you all against the case because you’re in favor of people not knowing things and KFC continuing to use an oil they don’t have to/shouldn’t? they aren’t doing the best they can to deliver a safe product and people who eat that shit without realizing how bad it is are the ones suffering. what is there to argue about?

yeah, i’ll actually cite my first page post and be like yeah, i was wrong, jan was right

Not frivolous

<–pwnt, she was right :tup:

It’s not even fully hydrogenated. It’s partially hydrogenated. They don’t actually know what they are making when they stop the reaction. It’s basically a mixture of similar molecules. Hydrogens added here, a double bond left there. la dee do dee da. Sometimes a double bond isn’t even in a natural position. Natural being lowest energy. This son of a bitch is bouncing around going me oh my I just want to be lower energy what can I do WHAT CAN I DO TO BE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. It’s really not a great situation to have.

What’s the problem with this? Well, bond angles mainly. You start screwing with your bond angles and reactions just don’t happen the same way. They are quicker, slower, or don’t happen at all.

The body doesn’t really know what to do with this crap. I’m willing it bet it has a little to do with EVOLUTION. The food industry has known for quite some time, but their argument is that it “tastes better.” Well, fine, but put it on your packaging.

Splenda really scares me. Sure Chlorine is natural in the body, but covalently bonded chlorine? Not really. But of course it’s “healthier.” Trans fats were considered healthier at one point as well…

if the taste changes because of the oil, then I’m against the change…but that is probably the most valid argument FOR the suit. Kudos to Janny. :tup:

It is KFC’s responsibility to inform the general public of any possible health risks of their product.

You cannot assume the general public will do research. Half the general public don’t even read the fine print before they sign a contract, let alone research their food to see if anyhthing in it is killing them.

OMFG NO WAI… Fried fud is bad for you. PPL need to get a little smarter… F**K this being education for ppl… everyone should know that KFC and Fatty foods are bad for you, unless they lived in a cave for the last 40 years or so.
Lawyers love these cases because if they win they get MADDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIDDD money.