This Just In, KFC Bad For You!!!

Every time I see one of these terrible verdicts I simply can’t imagine how a jury could get it so wrong. Then I read this thread and see where our country is headed. What a mess.

come to the dark side. become a vegetarian. you won’t regret it…


p.s. KFC officially canadianized the garbage plate. they took it and called it the “famous bowl” i hate both even more now.

OMG the government has a responsibility to protect its citizens and help prevent even higher healthcare costs in the future OMG.

and give up eating delicious animals? I think not mon frair lol

the government has a responsibility to protect its citizens and help prevent even higher healthcare costs in the future.

I agree… but I hardly think that they have the right to tell you what you can and cant do to your own body and/or eat. If I want to get fat as hell and die of a heart attack, thats my right to do so lol

Which would be fine if being fat didn’t mean more doctors visits, more medications, more hospital time, longer recovery, etc. which all have an impact on the insurance company. Bha. I don’t want to start a pissing match, but the decision doesn’t just impact somebody’s health. It hits us all in the wallets.

Look at GM. :frowning:

Dont unhealty people have higher premiums? kind of like a risk pool for car insurance? if not, they should. I know they do, in most cases, for life insurance.

you cant force people to get off their asses… unfortunitly

read the thread and the article, dude.
it’s worse than fried food.
it’s like totally omg killer food ftl omg lol.

I’ve never had KFC actually lol. If I want chicken ill have my mom make it…but nobody makes fatty burgers like Mcdonals wooot.

goober: so are fully hydrogenated trans fats any better than partially? i’ve always wondered that… only seen a couple labels that say that. and do you have any more info on splenda?


People. Eating. Tasty. Animals

Fully hydrogenated just means that they let the reaction go to completion. Partially means that some are fully hydrogenated and most still have some sort of unsaturation (a few double bonds in this case). Adding hydrogen can break the pi (double bond) and add in hydrogen on those respective carbons. In certain cases the pi bond will shift if there’s any possibility for it to be more stable (the problem is that sometimes it can be TOO stable and very difficult to break).

Partially hydrogenated is better than fully hydrogenated. They’re both not great for the body, though. saturated/trans/hydrogenated fats have higher melting/boiling points. It just takes a whole lot more energy to derive the energy from them. And with partially you really don’t know what you have since it’s a mixture of…stuff. Better living through chemistry! HA!

Think of one as allowing the fire to burn a piece of paper until it’s turned into ash and one as throwing water on the fire as it’s burning–you get some ash, some paper/ash, and some paper.


KFC announced it will now be using 0 trans-fat oils

For every animal you dont eat, I’m going to eat three.

Well, time for me to find a new way to hurt myself. See deep fried coke thread.

I like my women like i like my chicken?