This just in, the earth is flat

you must not have read the part where they said gravity isnt real.

God I wish I was that ignorant. Life would be so much easier if I could just obliviously choose what I wanted to believe in like that.

Well of course. It’s a constant cosmic wind that always pushes us back down. It has the ability to go through anything, and can not felt. Generating the perception of “gravity”.

I was about to make a post about the flat earthers and realized I already had. They’ve been in the news a lot more lately with Sammy Watkins recently coming out as a round earth denier. When Sammy talks the scientific community listens.

Is this a real thing or something like The Onion? All you need is a hot air balloon and go up high enough, or your phone attached to a small one… Or go Sky diving. It seems hard to believe that in 2017 somebody would believe that

i believe that people believe this. most people are wrong about most things most of the time and it shows through in the respective quality of the lives people lead.

Oh it’s a real thing. And it grows every day.

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

So walk off the edge! :joy:

Yeah… when it comes to that kind of stuff I have a love affair with SpaceX, Planetary Resources, Firefly etc…

Obviously the Earth is round, you can see the curvature high as fuck in an airplane, but the bipartisan side of me says I can believe that people believe the earth is flat, after all there isn’t any proof of religion either.

Interesting factoid: People believed the Earth was round for hundreds of years before it could be “proven” or verified. (Before flight and photography)

Think about that for a minute.

They weren’t just guessing. There’s plenty of ways science could prove the earth was round long before flight and aerial photography.

The sky is blue. :roll2:

Putting aside your beliefs on religion, I don’t get how in the past anybody who actually believed in God and the Bible would think the earth is flat. There are mentions of a round planet in the Old Testament. In theory, a round earth belief is supposed to extend thousands of years into the past. Obviously the majority of the scientific basis came later but considering how supposedly many of these nations/cultures were such believers, they should have seen it in the book they considered holy.

Guys, Sammy Fucking Watkins and rapper B.o.B. both think it’s flat. Why are we even debating this anymore after such great minds have spoken?

It’s less of a debate and more of a collective “WTH is wrong with people?”

Anyone catch this yet? Guy has been building home made rockets trying to prove the earth is flat. Unfortunately his poorly designed rocket which apparently had external parachutes, crashed. Looks like the parachutes got ripped right off during take off. Needless to say, he came back down in a hurry and well… didn’t survive.

Why not just buy a plane ticket and fly at 53,000 feet for cheaper than flying maybe 5000 feet. You’d see more. (Probably claims the glass alters the view of the earth from the plane)


I remember that guy, he was gonna try something a while ago and it got cancelled. oh well