this morning i was commming home from taking EJ to school and i totled the camaro…now i dont have one car car that runs…
april fools
:tounge: :tounge:
this morning i was commming home from taking EJ to school and i totled the camaro…now i dont have one car car that runs…
april fools
:tounge: :tounge:
:didnt see that coming from a mile away
i’ll be honest… i was waiting for pics to load :hahano: :hahano:
hahaha same here
watch i am on my way to conellsville so watch me really total my car…
Better watch out
I remember the day I wrecked my car I was telling Jackie, I hate my car I wish it would blow up!
an hour later…I was head on w/ another car lol
if you would of wrecked, maybe the paint would actually match
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :tounge: :tounge:
Originally posted by rookee
i’ll be honest… i was waiting for pics to load :hahano: :hahano:
yeah and that dent wouldnt be noticed
Originally posted by Mitsugrl97
Better watch outI remember the day I wrecked my car I was telling Jackie, I hate my car I wish it would blow up!
an hour later…I was head on w/ another car
Yea and for a minute i thoguht you wrecked it on purpose :eek3:
1… 2… 3 dont give a shit:zzz:
Originally posted by rookee
i’ll be honest… i was waiting for pics to load :hahano: :hahano:
Originally posted by Talonchick
Yea and for a minute i thoguht you wrecked it on purpose :eek3:
if i had a v6 camaro id wreck it on purpose
my teacher pulled an april fools joke on us. We had a test and as im taking it im like wtf is this shit (i just though i didnt study enough) then i get to the second page and its like if you want your real test walk up to the front of the class and get it.