This really sucks.....

With the lack of details of the break up its hard to give advice. If she said she’s seeing someone else or something it’d be easy… fuck her friend and get drunk with your buddies. If she said she’s confused or something it’d be easy… fuck her friend and get drunk with your buddies. If she said she needs space it’d be easy… fuck her friend and get drunk with your buddies. I just need more info to help. sorry.

I find it funny he has only posted 9 times and has already come to us with his relationship problems. NYspeed therapy FTW!!!

Ok, within a few days you will receive a phone call, she will be lonely.
Options :
a. pick up and have sex
b. Ignore and whack off

Choose option B, if you pick up and go to have sex, it will just prolong things and make it more difficult for you and her. If you ignore it, the healing process can begin, and with whacking off shortly afterwords (yes force it) you’ll change your mood and wanna go to sleep.

After she calls a few times and you ignore her, she may message you (myspace or what not) ignore those too.

Also, all this advice about going out to plow some other chick is a really really bad idea. You will be filled with tons of guilt TONS. You will second guess yourself, thinking you at fault for breaking up, MEN ARE NEVER AT FAULT. Women flat out suck ass, they hear shit from their friends and they think its good for them, when I’m sure since you were dating her since 17, you look out for the best of her.

remember, Ignore, spank it, and its not your fault.

and the obligatory, She is cheating on you… man she was great last night. and the ever popular


Thats for the support. I didn’t type details because I really couldn’t see stright last night. We broke up mostly stress. I be haveing problems holding a job and things in my life arn’t well that great. She said she has a hard time respecting me and loving me because of it. Shes getting ready to finsh her two years at ECC this week and things are just very streeful between us. She comeover today to talk and its so hard to look at her in the eyes and not fall apart. We have decied to take a brake and when I get back fropm Potstand on Monday to talk about it more. And Phil we have to get together sometime this week. And thank you again for your support I really need it.


I find it funny he has only posted 9 times and has already come to us with his relationship problems. NYspeed therapy FTW!!!


I know I don’t post alot thats just because I usely say something dumb so I try to aviod it. Plus I can’t spell.

Leaving you because of stress after 3 years? Sorry to say sir but do not get your hopes up of her being “the one”. Anyone here can vouch, if your going to be together you dont just crumble under stress, you come together and both work through it.

so with that said…noodies? please?

doors open man come over anytime, just please no but secks


She said she has a hard time respecting me and loving me because of it. Shes getting ready to finsh her two years at ECC this week and things are just very streeful between us.


Personally how can you respect her for going to ECC, and why the fuck can’t you hold a job. Do you have a attitude problem or are you just lazy as shit… do you smoke pot, drugs?

here I have an idea… GROW THE FUCK UP, hold a job, and find some other bitch. god fucking idiots in this world. Well, at least someone will be pumping my gas


Personally how can you respect her for going to ECC, and why the fuck can’t you hold a job. Do you have a attitude problem or are you just lazy as shit… do you smoke pot, drugs?

here I have an idea… GROW THE FUCK UP, hold a job, and find some other bitch. god fucking idiots in this world. Well, at least someone will be pumping my gas


I can’t stop laughting. No durgs just got lazy. And I hate myself for it. What annoies me is this not holding a job is from last year. I went throught 4 jobs in a course of 5 months. I have had my job I work now for about 7 months.

Whoa , I know this guy really well and he is not into drugs, doesnt drink alot and is(nt) lazy. Personally i dont know why he switches jobs maybe its in a quest to find something better in life, if you personally werent happy doing something would you continue to goto work miserable and do a half assed job? And secondly this girls really not a bitch, she is a decent person who really has been there for him thru alot, maybe she just hit her break point. I have an idea as well, why dont you actually take your advice and and keep it to yourself seeing as how you dont know either party involved.


I can’t stop laughting. No durgs just got lazy. And I hate myself for it. What annoies me is this not holding a job is from last year. I went throught 4 jobs in a course of 5 months. I have had my job I work now for about 7 months.


thats pretty lame… have you tried going to school? what job do you have now? what are your plans for the future, do you want to live pay check to pay check?


Whoa , I know this guy really well and he is not into drugs, doesnt drink alot and is(nt) lazy.



No durgs just got lazy.


yea looks like he is(nt) lazy

I think his future consists of posting nudez of said girl, I could be wrong though


I think his future consists of posting nudez of said girl, I could be wrong though


no… spot on

i wouldnt listen to anyone but dex in this thread.

doesnt matter one way or another. if she loves u, she will support ur decisions. she sounds like shes up on a high horse finishing 2 years at ecc, big whoop. fuck that bitch. fucking gold diggers

[quote=ILCisDEAD;544854]thats pretty lame… have you tried going to school? what job do you have now? what are your plans for the future, do you want to live pay check to pay check?

No don’t want to live pay check to pay check. I have money in the bank and just wanted to live a little more. I started working at a family resturant when I was 13 as a dishwasher. So I felt like I was missing out on all the fun between school and work. And when I completed Highschool I got my first full time job and work all the time. Now I am working at Ashton Potter as a I.D.C. opartor and getting ready this Jan. to go to ECC for Auto.

Have you put your resume through a spell checker? It could explain the lack of good jobs.


Have you put your resume through a spell checker? It could explain the lack of good jobs.


Yea I know better then that. My mother is very good with resume and things of that nature so she helped me put on together.


Yea I know better then that. My mother is very good with resume and things of that nature so she helped me put onE together.


Sorry had to


Sorry had to


LOL thanks