This really sucks.....

Damn, you weren’t kidding about spelling poorly.

I wouldn’t sweat it about anything though. Sounds like you got something in mind for yourself for the future.

Just go, live your life and whatever, if this girl really cares for you, she’ll be back, but I wouldn’t sit around crying or wasting time on it.




this is why i love you.

I dated this guy for 4 years, I broke up with him because he was a dick and obsessed with money…thought I would die…but low and behold, I found a new one, went out for 2 years…broke up (thought I would die) and now I’m with another guy

Take it from a chick…you’ll get over it. Go out and have fun with your friends…there’s nothing that will make you feel better than having some beers in some bar with your friends!

post nude pictures of her


thought I would die…(thought I would die)


Man. I wish you’d quit thinking about it and just do it.

there’s no pussy like new pussy


look, it’s a multi-step process to get over this. luckily i’ve done it and i’m here to coach you.

steps in successive order:

  1. realize this is the best thing to ever happen to you. you’re in the prime of your life and you are missing out. you have the whole world at your fingertips and you don’t even know it. sitting around crying about a 3 or 4 year relationship is just wasting even more of your precious time.

  2. post nudes of ex stat. i know…it sounds crazy. bottom line is this. nothing makes you feel better about a situation than degrading women. quickest and easiest way to degrade her is to post the nudes.

  3. you need a slump buster. seriously. you just came out of a long relationship. i don’t care if you fucked 4 times a day everyday, you have no game anymore and you’re out of practice. find anything under 200 pounds and have at it. getting a different piece of pussy will help you regain confidence and help you nail many more broads.
    easiest way to go about this:
    a. go to any large downtown bar. i suggest avoiding chippewa clubs to refrain from the super aids, but that is at your disgression.
    b. bring a few friends.
    c. drink and have fun while eyeing up the bar stars and the slam pigs.
    d. around 1 or 2 a.m. start carefully noting opportunities.
    d. find some of the drunkest girls. dance with them. it doesn’t matter if you can dance or not, they aer too drunk to care.
    e. after dancing, offer to buy them a drink. they like to think they are high class and will ask for something like a grey goose and cranberry or redbull or something. they are too drunk to know the difference and probably wouldn’t know when they are sober.
    f. go to bartender and ask for the shittiest bar vodka they have with whatever girly mixer she wanted. pay for a double with the money you saved on well vodka.
    g. take girl home with you.
    h. buy condoms! don’t get ribbed or her pleasure or extra sensitive or any of that shit. get the most industrial strength condom you can with spermicide. bonus points if you can find some made by goodyear or toyo or michelin. that’s what you really need.
    i. rip her shit apart.

  4. enjoy new confidence you have gained and have fun.

the ex will come crawling back around, but at this point you are too cool for her and way the fuck out of her league.

thank me later.


this should be a sticky


post nude pictures of her


why was this ignored. post 'em. you know they are on the internet already from her last boyfriend. and her new one put a video up and is making 19.99 off it.

so those cheesy pics she let you take of her naked hugging a pillow or something really don’t mean that much in the grand scheme of things

post em


Whoa , I know this guy really well and he is not into drugs, doesnt drink alot and is(nt) lazy. Personally i dont know why he switches jobs maybe its in a quest to find something better in life, if you personally werent happy doing something would you continue to goto work miserable and do a half assed job? And secondly this girls really not a bitch, she is a decent person who really has been there for him thru alot, maybe she just hit her break point. I have an idea as well, why dont you actually take your advice and and keep it to yourself seeing as how you dont know either party involved.



i love threads where someone’s buddy jumps in and is all like YOU SHOULD JUST HUSH UP AND KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS TO YRSELF EVEN THO HE POSTED HIS SHIT ON THE INTRAWEB

i dunno. it’s just hilarious to me.

as you were





end thread right there. listen to the king of slump busters.


listen to the king of slump busters.

