Anyone planing on going to opening day at Watkins Glen?
The weather looks like it should be good… Last good day before possible snow next week. I plan on maping some streets for the cruise to the Grand Prix in July.
You can pace-lap the track for $20 too.
Nothing is set in stone, I just wanted to see who was interested.
Just don’t go through all the little towns (down 20a). When the cops there see 3 or more “modded” cars roll through the town they feel the need to pull them over and show how tough they are are :bloated:
i’m just sayin that the cruise is all good. but if you end up going through a shitload of little 30mph towns it sucks balls. which trying to avoid them, may turn out to be a 3.5 hour trip or more…
EDIT - I’d take the thruway, then maybe get off at the Canandaigua exit and go the scenic route from there.
But yeah, basic idea was to map out a route beforehand and see if it was any good. Maybe make a sceanic stop. Some of the roads down there are awesome. We’d obviously avoid small towns as much as possible.
Too nice of a day to sit around - a bunch of us are leaving around 10am. PM me for info if you’re interested, and I’ll try to check back here in a bit.