This Sunday (4/27) Possible Cruise to Watkins Glen?

Anyone planing on going to opening day at Watkins Glen?

The weather looks like it should be good… Last good day before possible snow next week. I plan on maping some streets for the cruise to the Grand Prix in July.

You can pace-lap the track for $20 too.

Nothing is set in stone, I just wanted to see who was interested.

work blows…

what time would you want to leave josh?

I’m not sure, but I was thinking 10am. It’s a 2.5 hour drive but I want to hit some backroads on the way.

I so would have been down…
No car>me

only 2.5 hrs? I thought it was further than that.

2.5 at decent speed is about right

Just don’t go through all the little towns (down 20a). When the cops there see 3 or more “modded” cars roll through the town they feel the need to pull them over and show how tough they are are :bloated:


^ true. depending on what roads you decide on, it might be better to just rip down the thruway to avoid issues like that.

I think that’d defeat the purpose of what Josh is trying to map out.

so much for waiting to post this

i’m just sayin that the cruise is all good. but if you end up going through a shitload of little 30mph towns it sucks balls. which trying to avoid them, may turn out to be a 3.5 hour trip or more…

EDIT - I’d take the thruway, then maybe get off at the Canandaigua exit and go the scenic route from there.

ahhh now I gotcha.

Shouldn’t you be sleeping? lol

But yeah, basic idea was to map out a route beforehand and see if it was any good. Maybe make a sceanic stop. Some of the roads down there are awesome. We’d obviously avoid small towns as much as possible.

I would if I had a car worth taking, miata is down atm

I def. would, but I am indeed working this w/e…


Talked to Rick about this and I’m 90% sure for this little road trip :smiley:

Too nice of a day to sit around - a bunch of us are leaving around 10am. PM me for info if you’re interested, and I’ll try to check back here in a bit.

if only i checked this at some point over the weekend i wouldve gone.

Shit fucking rocked.

I wonder when i’ll get my picture?

They haven’t sent it to you yet?

I’ll have some pics up later tonight when I have time. :tup: