this was on the news this morning...deputy beats down some teenager

Indeed,I have multiple times. Quit acting like a fool. Your fault not theirs, Infact i bet you blame everyone else except yourself.
Over react ? more likely proactive to catch a idiot stupid douchebag like yourself .

Your momma and baby momma will say great things to cover up how much of fuckhead you are too.Your daddy is non existent
Stay classy 4 door love

I’d trust a random Law enforcement officer over random joe schmoe any day…
So far so good. Every Job has it bad apples. Cops are human too :SHOCKED:

In the end, that is what court is for…

Post your full name, I’d like to see the free web dockets about you…

ull never find anything on me im fucking PERFECT. not even a traffic violation. there has never even been a point on my license. If and when i seldomly do something wrong i take full responsibility for it always will and always have.
Dont get me started on PA court systems…might i say also corrupt

Zac @ 724 454 8244 Stay classy

grow up

not my fault i feel this way about cops… they have time and time again proven to me to be crooked egotistical cockbags

I bet they would be the first people you call if something goes bad for you though. Like everyone else said on here, grow up.

I have had a fair amount of “interaction” with police over the years and have never had a problem. If you are a d-bag to the cop, they will be a d-bag right back.

somebody gotta know this clown… dont worry, we’ll find out who you are and let the boys in blue know how you feel about them…

he is perfect yet he hates cops… seems like he was either in the pokey or cried his way out of many tickets… Dude seriously i hope your kidding. take your tree huggin hippie shit outta this forum.

LOL your gonna call the cops and tell them he thinks they all have attitude problems and are passive aggressive assholes??? Cops should NOT be the first person you call if something “bad” happens. Only when there is immediate physical danger. Other than that be prepared to get hassled.

If you hate cops, Call a crackhead

ud be suprised what a few hundred bucks under the table to your township judge does to make a ticket go away…

Speak more shit then darkstar has on dick

There are lots of cops that are douchebags and there are lots of cops that are cool, just like every other segment of the population. Does law enforcement possibly draw a slightly higher percentage of douchebags because of the power inherent with the position? Quite possibly. Does the line of work possibly wear on these people to the point where they do not have as much patience as they would otherwise have? Quite possibly as well.

Do you sound like a massive faggot whining about how all cops are crooks? Without a doubt.

yeah ok tough guy !! your a hard ass now !! :rolleyes: im a baller i pay off crooked judges ! I bet darkstars mom fists you your so gay.

police chiefs are pretty easy to pay off too therefore confirming my crooked cops comment.

its not gay if a woman does it


Cop tosses some jackass in jail for, well being a jackass punk. everyone agrees his actions are just.

4 Door Love is a tremendous cum guzzling faggot who claims all cops are crooked and corrupt.

4 Door Love proves this by claiming multiple acts of fellatio on the local judge and police chief.

I bet you make Harrison City proud.

i feel like 50/50 on that situation…the kid definitely had it coming and deserves to get locked up for a little bit, granted, he never crossed the tape but the kid just was being an asshole. however, what i don’t like, is how he completely diverts his attention from his task at hand which was protecting the crime scene to basically go beat down an annoying shithead. This is what i heard a lot on the news about the situation and what the officer did wrong. Kinda along the lines of he should have had backup there before taking down the kid. i dunno…either way, i thought it was pretty funny when he asks the kids “you think i’m your daddy, you think i’m here to raise you?”


ur point being???

quite useless…yes