its survival of the fittest, remember packard? and indian motorcycles? they all went under…
its a shame, but i wouldnt ever buy an american car. ive owned 3, 2 fords and a chevy. both of my fords started on fire, one a wiring harness (headlight switch) and one the rear drum brake seized causing my rear tire to smolder.
i have yet to own an import car that has started on fire.
i dont like it when my cars start on fire. therefore, i buy import cars
This thread is an excellent example of why people like Fry, Nikuk and EvilJay left. You idiots don’t know how to just ignore the trolls and Howie wouldn’t let any of the mods ban trolls simply for being ignorant trolls.
I don’t know if Karter is dumb enough to believe the shit he posts, or if he’s just a fat sack of crap that posts it for the amusement of watching you idiots engage him. Either way though just adding him to your ignore list makes life much easier (at least until a whole pile of idiots quote him an I see his stupidity anyway).
I dont know if I totally agree with you about karters intent, however, if he was to be writing 10 paragraph long responses every day then wow does he waste a shitload of time
I agree that losing any of the car companies would be a fatal mistake. However the massive choice of cars is disgusting. Too many cars, too many choices. I am expecting many of the ‘not so popular’ lines to shut down. I hope also that the unions will see that they cannot continue to demand more and more without giving something up…like thier job.
Why aren’t the auto mag. guys on the news channels?!? They keep inviting financial people on to explain the troubles of the big three. There was one auto guy on Fox the other night that was trying to explain the stigma with American cars and the Fox news guy totally shut him down and said he didn’t believe it because he drove a Cadillac for 2 months and loved it. The guy tried to explain that people with American cars always made excuses like, “my brother got me a great deal that’s why I bought it”. People rarely ever brag about owning American anymore because they sucked for so long. They need to get car guys on tv to get to the bottom of the problem. Talking to financial experts aint cuttin it.
How many middle/upper middle class people(you know, the ones buying cars) do you know that buy American cars? Of all my friends and family I know of 3 and they are all Fords.
The irony is that the big three made it their goal to stomp out hundreds of other auto makers in the USA.
GM claims that chapter 11 is impossible because they will not be able to secure the necessary restructuring loans. Well, if there is going to be a bailout, why not use it as restructuring loans after they file chapter 11? That way they might actually have a chance of restructuring in a more profitable manner.
It is very obvious that they need to downsize A LOT! The entire auto industry needs to get use to no more false credit rating standards and the fact thy are no longer going to be able to sell 17 million cars a year in the US.
If GM, Ford and Chrysler weren’t being fucking stupid for the past 20 years, and planned ahead, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
I know a number of people who have worked for Ford and a foreign automaker (Toyota or Nissan, specifically). Toyota/Nissan workers care about the company, don’t slack off, and in general are just great workers. Ford workers, on the other hand, care about nothing but themselves, are greedy and corrupt, and will gladly sacrifice the company to make a buck…and that isn’t just in one portion of the company, but the whole hierarchy.
Bite the bullet, and stop trying to sugar coat the situation. It’s shitty.
Maybe all the people who work on the GM assembly line who drive vettes and have 250k+ houses should throw in some money to save the company that has been over paying them…
however, i can’t wait for people to finally get pissed off enough to revolt. Not against each other, but against politicians, police, financiers…
we get prodded and pushed a little bit further all the time.
constant inflation, increases in taxes, the continued criminalization of non-criminal behaviour, social taxes, decreases in benefits and social services etc. etc.
All of the things above have been ways for us to bare the burden of these failing companies anyways.
start from scratch… the amount of opportunity that would be available on the rebound from such a collapse is unfathomable.
The people in North America that are truely talented and bright would assume responsibility, shine and take the lead. The people who in the current system become politicians would be the ones on the line.