Thats the exact reason why they kidnapped and beheaded this guy in the first place, in retaliation over what happed at the Abu-gharib prison… We can’t sink to their level because they will just get us back worse… We have virtues, things we value. We value our life, they dont… Thats a tough thing to fight against
i would rather the world go out in a blaze of glory rather than live under this terror shit for the rest of my lifetime. Time to bring out the big toys and start fucking shit up. the time of politcal correctness and humanitarism needs to end today! We need to shake down people here in the US, boot mother fuckers outta here and take back the land the colonists fought for.
then 7-11 and A+ wouldn’t be around
yeah it would we just need to put them unemployed welfare baby machines to work
the section 8 people :bigthumb:
Abu-Grarib my ass…that’s just the excuse du jour for these motherfuckers. I do agree that we value life more than they do. So the obvious solution is to take their lives while preserving our own. That way it’s win-win.
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
- General George S. Patton
yeah, now we’re talkin!!
damn :owned: a religion for 40 years
Exactly, look how little terrorism there is in israel. That is exactly what we need to do to stop terrorism. :rolleyes:
can i get a 2nd to my idea of making a glass continent?
General Pershing fucking rocks! Beat em at their own game!