Three motors in the trunk of an srt/8 Charger

Just wanted to post up some pics of a different kind of build. I apologize for the quality but my iPhone is just always at hand. Three MMATS p3.0 12’s powered by an MMATS 2000.05D and Focal Access components (which are very impressive) in the front doors and rear deck powered by an MMATS SQ4100. There’s also a couple Shuriken batteries and Ballistic sound dampening. The panels are finished in red and black suede. Everything is pretty much done except for a couple of trim pieces and the trunk panel needs to be installed. I will update with finished (non iPhone) pics after the weekend.

that’s pretty badass DIY.

you did that yourself? that’s awesome man. bravo.

Nice work. Is this customer by chance an African American gentleman?

I highly doubt someone from Africa is buying custom audio for a Charger SRT8. Is it a black guy? Maybe.

I was really hoping to see 3 motors in the trunk. Good work though. Glad I came in to look.

there’s definitely three motors in the trunk lol and the customer is not black (although i dont know why that would make a difference).

nice, a thread about stereo systems turns racist. go figure.

great job on this!

Nice work.

I liked the trim ring over the amps until it was red. A nice Chrystler tortoise shell finish would have been hot… /sarcasm

Does a router get into the corners like that?
I have had no luck making nice corners with my laminate router.

the router rounds inside corners and then you just finish them by hand. if it were my car would have done a few things differently, one of which would be not having red trim but something more subtle. maybe a dark grey.

mmats niceeee

LOLOL i bursted out laughing

Nice work. One thing i always wondered… how do you guys attach everything to the car itself?

screws, pressure fitting and a dab of luck :wink:

That’s fairly intense…

Looks great :tup:

Great job.

I and still an audiophile at heart…:tup:

How much weight does that whole setup add?

i didnt weigh it but theres prolly 250+ back there

That’s what I figured. Surprised the dude would spend for the SRT8 model and then weigh it down with all of that audio. Least it will help with winter traction :lol: Def nice work though.

the car now has a 50/50 weight distribution and probably corners better?