Tib > Firebird

coming home from my gfs tonite i ran into this red firebird with magnaflow exhaust and stickers in the windows… so anyways im driving down XXX and i he gets next to me and keeps lookin @ my car and sayin shit about it to his gf… so im like ok… i dont wanna risk racing on XXX but if this kid keeps being a cock im gonna put him in his place… so we get a couple openings i sit in 2nd gear and do a couple reactive pulls on him… everytim he would hit it id spool and go to his door and stop… just trying to avoid a full out race so he would get the message that the car is pretty quick… sooo we do this for about 4 or 5 stoplights and i get next to him @ a light… he says to me… why do u keep waisting your gas… im like are you serious… i havnt even floored it yet… so he is like ok… so light goes green we kinda roll off and im like fuck it… he punches it and so do i… by the end of 2nd gear i was at his door… half way through third im about 2 cars ahead and pulling HARD away from him… than i pop off an intercooler pipe… but i was about to shut down anyways… so this kid comes of behind me and goes from his usual sitting at my passenger door and staring @ my car to two lanes to my right and staring straight ahead… his gf is LAUGHING and staring @ me… kid turns right and i gave hima beep and he didnt look over

i was quite satisfied… im really hoping for some people who arent dicks after i show them what the car is capable of

:tup: thats a sweet kill on the cocky domestathug

was he poppin his collar?

dude he looked like ken from street fighter… he was def a pop the collar candidate… he had blond hair and it was STRAIGHT up it was funny


arent sleepers fun?

yea i <3 my car lately… the project is really turing out well as i started it almost 3 years ago with the tranny swap… than last year i build the kit… this year i build the motor… next year…

fo word

if all goes as planned ill i/c the gtp this winter, get a cam, rockers, and other goodies, and have a nice low 13/high12 sec daily…

:lol: good kill man!

friend was always getting kills like that in his turbo grandam and the the IC piping would also blow off:tdown:

thats why she was laughing…

good kill next time just let them have it in the begining.

yea its better to show them up at first at half throttle, then when they come back thinking they can handle the b00st, just go wot and leave them wondering what happened :slight_smile:

good kill mang, glad the tib is working out for you

Good kill Brian! All your hard work paid off.

:tup: nice

what a Fag, good kill!

Why do all the street thugs ride with their girlfriends… that always bugged me.

hard work (+alotta$) = eternal sweetness…good kill

Man, you gotta get some real clamps on that intercooler piping, or at least do something about it. I think I’d put up with that happening only once if it was my car. After that the hoses would be hi-temp epoxied to the pipes, then held in place with two hose clamps on each end torqued to 300 ft-lbs.

nice kill, reading that i was gettin worried it was my buddy josh in his ws6, then i would have to go kick him in the junk for being gay, but he has black hair, and no sticks in the window

:tup: good kill…damn cocky collar popers lol.

i have t-bolt clamps on most everything, just not on that one… SOOOO, i just gotta weld on a lil lip to make it 100% secure