Tick Tick Click (my ka is doing this)

Ya, Now it sounds like when my upper chain guard snapped off but I removed that. So I am guessing that it is the lower chain guard that broke and is now rubbing on the timeing chains. So… If that is the problem how can I remove this guard? And also does anyone els have suggestions of what it could be? So you know the sounds increase when I gas that Ka.

If the chain guide broke off I think you’d have bigger problems than ticking. Mine ticks, and the sound is coming from the bottom of the head - I’ve been told it’s likely the idler sprocket. Old KAs tick, just the way it is, and it’s not worth tearing it apart to fix it.

P.S. Your avatar is too big.

No my top chain gaurd did break off and that is why I removed it.
Hmmmm well this sounds just came out of no where, it was not re-accuring or something that I slowly noticed.

and about my advitar it fits with in the required size limitations and is probbley the same size as yours just wider and not ass tall.